So with everything that has been going on, I haven't been talking about the movies I've been watching! But while I have slowed down a bit on the mass watching of movies I have been watching them!
I was really disappointed in Cursed, and Zombieland. I think I was just in a mood for Zombieland and that my not liking it has a lot to do with me being well .... not feeling that great when I went to see it.
I came home from that (this was Sunday) and watched The Descent which I actually really enjoyed. There were parts in this movie were I was all "AAAAHHH" and these parts didn't even have anything really horrific going on, I was just really freaked out. So liked that movie -- was rather surprised to find out the director of that did Dog Soldiers.
Still on Sunday I watched Graveyard Shift. Which ... meh. I liked the short story, not so much a fan of the movie. Also I think I was burned out a bit when I got to this movie ... sorry Graveyard Shift!
Monday I only managed one movie Stir of Echoes. This was a re-watch but I like this movie. I seem to recall the song 'Paint It Black' being more prominent in the movie, but maybe that was just the trailers, I don't know.
Tuesday I watched Trick r Treat and The Innocents. I liked Trick r Treat quite a bit -- actually quite a lot. I love interwoven stories like that, and whenever I see Dylan Baker I'm always like "Oh it's that GUY!" I also liked The Innocents quite a bit -- I got this one from the library by just randomly searching for horror movies. It was from 1961 so the film quality wasn't great and the DVD was sooo scratched that it jumped a bit.
Today I'm going to watch at the very least Wolf. I'm actually really excited to see this movie -- I can remember wanting to see it really badly when I was a kid and my mother being "no, your too little -- when your older." Than I got older and just -- didn't watch it. So I'm rectifying that now!