Last night I saw
Prophecy which was not as the name might make you think, a movie about you know the end times, or any kind of foretelling of the future. Instead it was more along the lines of "fuck with nature and nature will FUCK BACK, so just don't okay? Monsters aren't fun for anyone."
I actually . . . liked it. Quite a bit.
And I'm not capable of reviewing movies without talking about massive spoilers, or well not so massive spoilers, as a youtube clip of the most awesome part of the movie. So the rest is behind a LJ cut.
So the movie has this whole plot about tension between the Native peoples of Maine, and the lumbar company, and the fact that the lumbar company has like mercury in the processing of the trees for lumbar, and this is screwing things up. I remember reading about
The Minamata Disease when I was younger, and being terribly freaked out by it. But anyway I digress what you need to know (and what the movie tells you too) is mercury poisoning is bad. (This is explained after some scenes about paper making, which means the ratio of paper making to monster rampaging gets skewed towards paper making).
So the animals have gone nuts in the movie due to the mercury poisoning. And because of this racoons attack. No. Really. Here, have a YouTube video:
Click to view
Oh yes.
I like how the male lead in this movie went to the Conan school of dealing with things. If something is upsetting or evil -- toss it in in the fire.
That is just the tip of the iceburg of hilarity. I mean a kid trying to run away from this bear like monster, while all zipped up in his sleeping bag (so hopping away . . . ) and than gets batted by the monster, hits some trees and ... explodes with feathers flying everywhere is not funny. But it kind of is.
I love horror movies.