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Jul 24, 2008 12:09

Zain LOVES Thomas the Tank Engine. Just a hint of the theme song can excite him. He has Thomas and Percy trains that he plays with every day. Letting him watch the show tivo'd from PBS is the only way I can get dinner cooked in the evenings.

Yesterday he was watching the show and the theme song was playing at the end. It talks about how the trains are really useful and which train acts what way. For example:
Thomas- he's the cheeky one! (ooh cheeky monkey!)
James- is vain but lots of fun! (we all know someone like this, don't we?)
Emily- really knows her stuff (You go girl!)

and on and on to Toby. Toby is an engine, but he looks completely different than the others. He still does a good job and works hard. What's Toby's line in the song?

Toby- well, let's say he's square.

What? What the hell? What do they have against poor Toby? They can't say he's got a nice personality? Just- well, he's square.

I think it's discrimination. I bet his name really isn't Toby. I bet it's Kunta Kinte and Sir Topham Hatt is forcing him to conform to the Sodor view of how square engines should behave. Are they going to cut one of Toby's bumpers off in a future episode if he doesn't fulfill his duty as a "really useful engine"?
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