Best day-after-birthday present ever

Jun 24, 2007 08:04

I woke up yesterday to the news that President Bush's approval rating dropped below Jimmy Carter's all time low. I cannot begin to tell you how happy this makes me.

When Bush was floating at 28-29%, his legacy was that he would be looked at as a good president (he was, afterall, re-elected) who hit the doldrums during his presidency. Remember Reagan. Reagan went through a breif period of unpopularity during his two terms, but is now looked back on through love goggles as the greatest president of the last 50 years. I worried that when Bush left office, Americans would, as we are want to do, forget all the bad and remember only the good and elevate him to a similar, if slightly lesser, level.

No one really focuses on bush Sr's all-time approval rating low point. And Bush Jr.'s I think would have also been forgotten.

This approval rating GUARANTEES his legacy is shit. Even if he is golden for the last few months, the news (CNN, MSNBC, Newsweek, etc. Everyone but Fox.) in future years will dig up the fact that he had a lower approval rating than a presidency that the media considers failed (Carter). Carter's approval rating had been the measuring stick of a failed presidency over the last 30 years. No longer.

Bush has dropped below the "incompetency" threshold, and is now nearing Nixon's "corrupt Presidential criminal activity" threshold (23%).

It makes me happy because at 28%, Bush HAD leveled out. The Republican Tools (a term I created for people who vote republican against their self-interests) had long since abandoned him. The 28% represented his base: the unholy trio of the religious right, rich tax evaders, and corporate theives sucking from the teats of American tax payers. These people have a deathgrip on Bush that they used to seize control of the American government. For him to drop below 28% percent, he would have to break his base. This is great news for people who hate polarized government.

For polarizing this country on religious lines,
For letting Bin Ladin go to instead put our troops in Iraq --- thereby not getting justice for the families of 9-11 victims,
For dumping BILLIONS of American dollars into Iraq and forcing us to BORROW THE FINANCING FOR THAT WAR FROM CHINA,
For allowing his fathers company and other big corporations to syphon the tax dollars of the American public (and our children and GRANDCHILDREN -- who will have to pay china back) through the Iraq war,
For getting over 3000 American troops and 75,000+ innocent Iraqis killed in a war that didn't have to happen,
For cutting backroom deals with the Mexican government and Mexican DRUG DEALERS (for christsake!) that have two of our border agents sitting in jail for doing their jobs and the rest of our border agents scared to enforce our borders for fear of political repraisals

--- Bush deserves this legacy.
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