Oh wow,

Apr 14, 2005 05:26

Yeah, its been what? a good while since I last updated, and looking back at it, I think I better go and say a few words on my predicament. Its been a rocky road or rather the best way to describe the past year or two is that its a very very smooth road, but theres nothing worth seeing on the sides, no scenery, no nothing.....well...like those Arizona straights that you see in movies.

Nonetheless, I'm here to say I'm a lot better now, thanks to a little help from my friends :) (sorry, always wanted to say that :P) and well, thanks to a bit of luck got myself on something constructive. Here's a summary of the last month anyway :).

Back in March, I navigated our way down to my sisters to see my newlyborn neice, Jenna-Jaylee for the first time. Of course this time I missed the "easy to miss" bypass that lead us further down on the wrong motorway, with a bit of quick thinking, half steady nerves and a quick call to my sister for comfirmation I got us off the detour and really lost no time for it thanks to the town centre we passed through being relatively empty. And when we got there it was nice and peaceful....for the drugged up male half of my sister's neighborly couple was now in prison for gopd knows what, so thats a relief. But after seeing Jenn for the first time I thought it was worth it! doesn't cry for some reason but makes "demanding" sounds for milk/changing etc....takes after my sis alright :D so had a fun time down there, bought my neice a purple musical plushie. Had a few outings and what not and just chilled :)

Coming back though I got back into my old routine of being lonely hermit. Those of you who have seen me during this month have seen me decline to lower levels. But out of the blue, things started -finally- to start looking up for me. I finally went onto jobseekers allowance, so from now on I will have a somewhat steady income, job or not. Sorry Dad, I know you didn't want me or mom to go on it, but I imagine you wouldn't want me in the state I was either, so....lesser of the two evils eh? :). Also as well as this I managed to land an artist position at a nifty place called Roguelabs, unpaid of course but I was in such shock that somebody else (few and far between but hey) could find my art USEFUL that I jumped at the chance, I havent buffed up my folio for a while. Its like a gift from the heavens I tell ya!

So, like I say, I know feel as if I have purpose now, so the dramatic improvements in my personality have been noticed by a fair few. And I have to thank ALL my friends for that and particularly a few that gave me a slap round the chops a few times to regain my composure (you know who you are!) :) I am not sure if I would be here without y'all ...not that I'd consider suicide or anything, but I might have gone that much of a recluse that I might have kept the net for only webbrowsing use. I know I'm not out of the woods yet, I might slip back, it happened before it can certainly happen again. However I don't think its going to be as easy to go as low as I did, now that I've learned a few lessons from my experiences...just be sure to remind me on occassion ;)

And with that, I'm off! I'll try to update more on what's happening in the future, thank goodness I only left it 3 months this time instead of 6! haha...now if only I could do that on DevArt.....hmmmmmm.........
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