Oct 13, 2006 13:41
Wow you got to love Michigan... Yesterday Melissa and I went to Grand Blanc(I love saying Gand BLANK!) no clue why just keep saying it like that for somereason.
Anyways Went up there to get her Pay Check.. Well We left Mt Morris and it was Snowing but wasn't that bad... But there was this old doode going 15 miles an hour on a road that you can go 55 with no problem.
We get on 475 it got worst and It wasn't that bad but still Melissa had to go slower then normal and if you ride with Melissa you know how she drives(not bad just fast) and to quote Mel "With Toby in the car its like that idiot Device that goes off if your Tailgating"
On the way back at 96 and 475 there the high way was dead stop.. A Not bad Crash.
but after we pass the Crash it became a White out..
but when we got off the Highway it was sunny...
So yeah fun times.
Yeah I am with Chris here fuck this snowy shit