Accounts of a Crazy Week... Part I

Dec 05, 2005 13:04

This weekend was neither restful nor strenuous... I studied enough to get by, though I probably spent more time study breaking than studying. Such is life, eh?

Today was the kickoff for Finals Week, Fall 2005. My predictions are that it shall be the hardest week of my college career, though I still have (only!) five more to work with.

It commenced with the dreaded Child Language Acquisition final, this morning at 8am. I am relieved that the class is finished, but I truly have no idea how I did on it. It was 95 questions (not 65, Debbie Koh!), and they were probably the most convoluted exam questions ever in the history of existence. I swear, this class taught me nothing except to question Nativism. How could I do such a thing? Question Noam Chomsky and Pinker, my heroes??? Alas, I finished in about an hour, and Courtney and I had a good laugh post-failure.

Since then, I have been perusing Cicero for some insight into, at least, a paper topic for a paper due Friday. Naturally, I cannot succeed for Chamberlain, so perhaps I'll just accept defeat? Who knows... Anyway, Courtney is finishing up her Latin final, and tonight we're completing the Phonetics take-home final, so it's nice little Monday afternooon para mi!

Until later... I promise I'll write. GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!! YAY FOR THIS QUARTER BEING OVER!!!

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