[She wasn't going to do this, really. She was going to stay and hide under a table or something until this was all over. B-But the Queen had yelled so loudly...she had to try. Besides, she had always wanted to go. It looked nice over there...
She's wandering around the mansion with wide eyes and an old Fortune magazine that she stole from Yukino
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You...You're Naoto, right?
Are you from the mirror world?
I-I am. I'm sorry. I guess I'm not very good at this.
[ weirdo.
okay, whatever, questioning time. ]
What is your purpose here?
To begin: Do you share memories of something beyond the Mansion and the mirror world? The real Miyazawa's home world, perhaps? Also, do you share memories with her?
I know about her. I know that she's really good at everything she tries. She's always been at the top of her class, and she's kind of...amazing. A real model student. And her family's really nice. She has a kind boyfriend...[She rubs at her elbow and looks away] He's nicer than the Arima I knew here...
B-But, um. I don't see everything she sees, if you mean that. I'm probably misunderstanding again. I knew your name because I saw her talking to you.
It is. They all do it. I do too, but...I really don't mean to hurt anyone. It just looks nice over here.
How long will you be staying on this side of the mirror?
But...the Queen wanted some of us to go over, so we can't leave until she tells us to come back. And I don't know when that will be...
Are all of you loyal to the Red Queen?
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