What the hell, I mean really, what the hell. (heck for all those dumb PC people)

Jan 03, 2005 21:43

So here we are at the start of another year.  2005.  Wow snuck...sneaked up on us huh?  I guess I'd care a bit more had I not been stranded in Glendora, CA alone for Christmas and New Years....oh cruel world, when I will cease to be a New Years kiss at midnight virgin?  It's not that big a deal really, it's more about having somebody to be with, but I do wish I had that.  Doesn't help that it's my favorite time of the year either, but life goes on.  I'm not sad or depressed or any of that, I'm just dealing with this enormous feeling of .... um .... well, I'm not sure what to call it really.  Two months ago I met one of the most amazing people I've ever met, and we were dating, and I was having literally the time of my life, everything was perfect, until God told her (in a matter of speaking...I'm taking it a bit out of context but oh well, I can whine all I want!) that she shouldn't like me, and His is grace and majesty took the feelings she did possess for me away.  What a loving God (He really is, and please note that all sarcastic comments, few as they may be, are directed at the situation and in no way refer to our almighty redeemer)!  He was gracious enough to keep her single and keep her from caring by taking feelings away.  Why then did He see fit to keep me stuck on her?  Doesn't make sense to me, but since she has deemed me unworthy of any communication whatsoever I've just had time to dwell on whatever insecurities I might have.  Aaaaaaannnnyyyywaaayyy....so I've been trying to get a hold of her, with no luck.  I've also been trying to talk to some of my ex girlfriends, Stephanie and Amber.  We used to talk every now and then with great satisfaction, but as of the last few weeks or months or whatever I call, leave a message, and never hear back.  I feel repulsive, but I know I'm not, stupid inside battles that rage on over points that I know to be false to begin with....oh well, again I say, life goes on.  So enough with that.  
Movie reviews!
Shaun of the Dead - Freaking Awesome, a must see and practically a must buy on sight!
Napoleon Dynamite - Awkwardly histarical, God bless those indi film makers
Blade Trinity - No review yet from myself...but soon....soon I tell you!
I had this idea for a new years post about the year we've just recently said goodbye too, only to see that a close friend of mine had already done so in a similar format, however, I'm going to continue anyway because I want to, so here we go,

in 2004:
-I had more dates than in any previous year (mmm....dates)
- Graduated College with a real degree!
- I worked at Target for 2 crappy weeks backstocking
- Got a job making more money per hour than I've ever been paid before, and I work with on of my best friends!
- Unintentionally temporarily turned a good friend's life upside down and helped create a living hell for a few weeks.
- Had a group of Friends get together to celebrate my birthday...I cried of joy that night, no one has ever done that for me, one of the happiest day of my life. 
- Participated in 2 weddings for 2 of my closest friends, and worked in a wedding for another good friend
- Took a friend's car on a 3000 mile trip and didn't tell him heh heh heh...

So i just got a call from Bethany, the girl who wouldn't talk to me forever, seems she can't be friends with me at all, can't even talk to me, sad fuckin' time, I'm a bit upset and she's now ruined my update....so to fuckin' hell with the fuckin' people who are full of shit and cower from fear.  Fuckin' retarded.....night
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