Feb 08, 2005 00:15
I swear the days become longer when you dont have alcohol.
Not that I'm an alcoholic or anything.
But I didnt drink last night....woke up early this morning for class....and didnt drink tonight.
And it just felt like one of the longest days of my life.
All I did was finish the movie of Friday night tho. Which I might add, came out sick. I put it up on DC++ and everyone who was there downloaded it and gave me compliments.
I cant wait for this upcoming week. Tomorrow or Wednesday me, Zayka, and Tank are going to get the punch for the jungle juice. Except Frank is going to wear his black suit and aviators and is gonna buy out all the punch from Walmart and I'm gonna tape it. And its gonna be the intro to the jungle juice video of next weekend. And I found some awesome audio from David Space stand up where he talks about Everclear punch which is just like jungle jucie so Im gonna use that too. But its all good stuff.
Speaking of this weekend. Condon called me to chat cause we hadnt talked in a lil while. I told her to come up this weekend cause she kinda needs to get away from town and everything and I think she might. Ill take her out to a party and Club Tank and show her a good time. Its what I do. Itll be awesome to see her though. I miss the faces from home. Kinda needing an old face around here anyways. So lets hope those plans go through.
Kales leaves for Mexico in a few days. Its gonna be odd not having her around to talk to. We call each other everyday and everynight to say goodnight pretty much and shes gonna be gone now for two weeks. And shell be gone for V-day and she seems to be the only girl who I want to or actually can celebrate it with, but shell be gone. So bad luck with that. Kales is weird when it comes to me and other girls in any perspective, but its kinda cute. I dunno.
Ugh. I need sleep. And I need to wake up before 11 so I can go get a ticket to Gavin DeGraw if I wanna still. Bah. I need my money back from my glasses so I can go get film tapes for my camera.
Sorry. this entry was insignificant.
Peace out.