24 Hour Steak...

Feb 07, 2010 20:20

So yesterday/today I made a 24 hour steak with mushroom ketchup, inspired by watching In Search of Perfection by Heston Blumenthal, who owns the Fat Duck Restaurantin England.

My observations...

Christ that's a long time to have the oven on for. Any my oven thermostat is useless. I bought an in-oven gauge to find it is wrong by ~20 degrees.

The meat was nice. It was very tender, but does feel almost over done in texture. I think there is a point where breaking down the protein strands actually stops yielding results. The taste is lovely, but, well... It tasted like, and had the texture of, one of my regular steaks.

That being said, I can actually cook meat, and I have a good relationship with my butcher. I've spent years getting the technique right for a good med-rare porterhouse. If you couldn't do a good steak (and my mother can't, in spite of needing to make the best of crappy meat after the war and 50 years of practice) this would make it very hard to screw up.

The mushroom ketchup is really stringent, but I loved it. PrincessP not so much. No problem. I have some cheese and jamon. It won't last the week. I'm not sure it was worth the effort or cost (almost 2kg of Mushrooms for 2 cups of sauce is a bit rich, if you'll pardon the pun.

I won't do it again. I think I'd rather spend my time working on a better brisket recipe - getting the mix of slow cooking, dry rub, smoking and marinade right.

But certainly a worthwhile recipe.

Video here (Heston, not me)..

Recepie here..


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