something i lifted from the profile of nora, oberlin '09, plus rants

Apr 25, 2005 09:08

"Much like Sweetest Day and Love Day, National High Five Day has its roots in the culture industry's imperial desire to sell candy and cute teddy bears to passive consumers through guilt and obligation, all built upon the U.S. exploitation of workers in third world countries, laboring under despicable conditions for minimal pay. NOT! You wish you had another holiday to get mad about. Instead, National High Five Day was simply founded by a slew of college students who knew one important thing: hi-fives are fucking sweet. Of course, everyone knows this. Your best friend knows it. Your biology teacher knows it. Putty knows it. What's sweeter than a hi-five? Nothing."

in other news, my mother thinks my prom dress is supremely unflattering; the material is too sheer and makes all my 'lumps and bumps' more pronounced, she claims. she took the liberty of selecting another one for me to wear. what the hell.
so i guess i need to find a prom dress, again. i don't want to look lumpy.

i wish school were over. i don't think my body can handle all this excess sleep. all i do is sit around and read, but i can't convince myself to read things that need to be read, like AP review books, i can't even devote that small a fraction of my almost sickening stretch of after-school leisure time to something that important. i'm such a bum.

plus i need to be thin for prom. my new manta is 'nothing tastes as good as thin feels.' it only doesn't work when i discover some food item that actually is as satisfying as being thin. and this happens often, when you work at a pizzeria.

tyson's moving to chicago. i don't know when, it may be another sketchy sounding scheme that will never pan out. but i will really miss him. he's so much older than me, but he's like a legit friend, at least as far as a mio's friendship extends. and i guess i'm always flattered that for all the drinkers and people his own age there are at mio's, and for all his charm and man's man (literally, it would appear) appeal, he still prefers me and courtney. i will miss him. hopefully he won't leave before i get back from california, and we can be waiters together.
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