1117: Don’t know if I will find you feel my breath on your neck can’t believe I’m right behind you

Jul 23, 2007 20:44

Well Laura is here and today we went and saw Harry Potter in 3-D!!! It was good, I liked the movie the second time around and it was really cool to see the battle at the Ministry in 3-D!! :)

In other news, I have lent my book to Sabrina and Elisabeth because they wanted to read it and I didn't want to read it too quickly. I have been reading it on and off and since Laura is here, I probably wont read it until Wednesday or Thursday. But not to fret, I read some today and I am on chapter 15, so I can update tomorrow with 5 chapters as well. Sorry Avie for reading ahead!! :) I like the 5 chapters instead of 4 thingy as well!! So we can do that!!

I also read some of Obsidian Butterfly but like I've said in the past, it is hard for me to switch genres fast so I have a hard time with that so I only read like 3-5 pages of it.

Well I better be going, tomorrow is a busy errand day. :) As well as I have work.

So yeah, in no order, and I am sure the second time around I will probably give more analysis. :) It's kind of jumbled in my head right now.

With regards to the deaths, I wasn't too upset. I mean, the teacher was never mentioned by name, except to say that Hermione was taking Muggle Studies. Olivander I had forgotten about but I was also sad about that too!!! I did think Hagrid was dead at first, which was scary but I wasn't really upset about it. I was more upset with Olivander. But it was Moody, and I wasn't too upset about that. Hedwig I almost cried!! :( I loved her and Harry probably felt bad, because he was being mean to her, but yeah.

The action scene was amazing, when the 7 potters chapter, I loved it!! But poor George with the ear, was it George? :) Holey, indeed!! I was glad that everyone I liked made it out okay. But what was with Lupin? He seems upset about something, maybe he accidently gave it away about the moving Harry that night? Surely not, it was probably Hagrd, sorry to say, I don't know whay. But it is curious that Snape didn't know the whole plan so they must have changed it somewhat. And what was with Harry and the wand action. Maybe it was the eyes he saw in the mirror and Dumbledore helping him along in a way? Maybe something to do with the phoenix, I don't know!! Maybe Dumbledore had the other piece of the mirror who knows!! I still think Sirius had it when he fell through the veil.

The Dudley-Harry scene was good, but I still wonder what he saw when the Dementors came near. Hopefully we'll find out!!

Voldie living with the Malfoy's hilarious!! :) Wonder how that works out, if he got to pick his room? What not!! I love Voldie!! :)

I was so excited when Harry figured out the R.A.B, I screamed for joy!! And my predicitons were right!!! :) Yay me!! And that Mundangus had it!! :) Go me!! :) Well that he had took it from the house at least. It was interesting to find out more about how the Horcrux got there and everything as well, Voldie using Kreacher and all that!!

Baby Harry was awesome!! :) So cute, and Sirius giving the broom!! Haha!! loved it!! :) I was so upset when Harry lost his broom!!! The Wedding chapter was really interesting. I can't wait to find out more about Luna's father and the whole Grindewald symbol!! But yeah, that sucked, but at least everyone was okay!!! The attack at the coffee shop sucked too, how did they know Harry was there, does he have a trace on him? And why is Lupin so upset when he looks at Harry!!! So cool about Dumbledore, will know about that later I guess!! I think it will be interesting when they do figure it out more about it!! I think the sword will be important though!! :)

MOM under the control of Voldie, scary thought!!! The whole world is going to fall to him, or at least England and the UK and that sucks!! That is until Harry destroys the Horcrux's!! So sad that he had to leave everyone, although it had to happen. 10 chapters in and still no Hogwarts, I wonder if they will ever go back!!! :( But I have really been liking the book, and these chapters!! It still feels weird to be reading the book and even weirder that they aren't at Hogwarts yet, which is weird to me as well!! But yeah. Still think Sirius is going to come back and Harry does need to block out Voldie even if it is useful to see what he sees, not good on the Harry side if Voldie realise even more and strikes back and hurts Harry more! We'll see though.

So that is it for now. Will update later or tomorrow with 5 more chapters, because I don't want to read until Laura leaves on Wednesday because she hasn't read it yet. But yeah, ran a bunch of errands today.

Got my transcripts, got 3 B- and a B in England so that is good. Somehow screwed up my FAFSA, so I might not get aide!! Went to Genki Raman for lunch, it was good!! :) Might go to the beach tomorrow, who knows. Going out for drinks later, after work in like 10 minutes.

Bye for now.

friends, hp, food, books

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