943: Everyone got something they want to sing, laugh, cry about, its true, for me its you...Part 43

Jan 18, 2007 14:03

So yeah, sorry for not updating yesterday, I was kind of tired.

I stayed up until 2:30am writing a letter and then I got up early-ish to finish it which was yesterday and the day it was due.

Seminar was good, I like Dr. Cross a lot!! He is funny!!
Archaeology (the paper that I stayed up to finish) Tutorial was good, he said the essay was Brillant and that it was a good start.

Archaeoloy is fun, I was reading the book and there were words that were spelled weird like: ArEfacts instead of ArtIfacts and ModelLing and another that I can't remember. So yeah it was interesting

Narrative tutorial went well, he was nice. He didn't say the story sucked nor did he say he liked it. He did say I could write the next part for next week or not, whatever I wanted to do. He just wants me to focus on one area that I am having trouble with and try and see if that helps it by focusing on it and writing to make that part as best as it can be.

So yeah I was tired.

I have to say Amelia and I get along really well, we both have a lot in common and I am really glad that we get along so well.

I talked to my dad last night for a half hour (only $2.10 because he called me). He is sending me some stuff so that is good.

I went to the grocery store today and I got a lot of food (two loaves of bread for 1 pound!! Liek $2 american!! Awesome!! :) ) So I got a lot of good deals. I got carded too when I bought a bottle of wine!! It was funny!! :) It was for for a friend because she didn't want to go out so I said I would get it for her.

I found some things on the list Laura made for me so I am going to mail them soon. I am also writing a lot of letters today as well as writing in my hand journal because it has been awhile. It was really windy today, like SF windy and it made me happy, I like weather like this. The food hasn't been great here so tonight I am making dinner for 6 people so it should be good, I wanted to make for me but I had to buy vegetables so I figured since I knew I would have enough, to make some for the people that live next to me, the main people I hang out with.

So I was really happy these past few days, getting mail every day, except today, it was like 3 days in a row!! It was awesome!! :) Thanks Avie and Laura!! :)

Well I better be getting to those letters, I also want to write that next 10 pages for Narrative, if I can figure out what to write!! :) Wish me luck!! I will update later tonight with an update!!

Bye for now


friends, school, food, family, books, other

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