I'm seriously behind on documenting my trip to Japan.
After the debacle that was my first 24 hours in Japan I was more than ready for the 20th to come. It was only a few short weeks before I was due to leave that I got a message and Jess was like "Wanna see Kisumai?" Ummm do unicorns fart rainbows?? HELL YES I WANT TO SEE KISUMAI!!
The 20th was a whirlwind of a day. First of all I was FINALLY seeing Jess again. She came up from the subway in her purple shirt and I really had to NOT completely lose my shit and freak out. It had been a year people!! A whole entire year since Hawaii and seeing my girls. I don't know that I have ever been as crazy happy as I was in that moment. I can't remember our exact route except that we trekked through a crazy crowded Harajuku and a crazy crowded Shibuya. We ran and got our ticket for the Johnny's shop which was beyond crazy crowded. We ran and got new glasses. Seriously thank you to the staff at Zoff for fixing my glasses. I'm crazy in love with my new green ones. Yes!! I bought cute green glasses. I mean if you can't buy glasses to reflect the love of your ultimate bias then what good is being a fangirl? Can I get an amen??
Then we entered Mandarake and Jess goes "start digging". Hold up a sec!! Have y'all been inside a Mandarake? If you're like me, up to this point you've probably checked them out online. You've probably even ordered stuff from them. Being set loose in one for the first time is kind of like having sex for the first time. It's a bit overwhelming. It's a bit awkward. You get a little dizzy. You might make some inhuman noises and in the end the treasures you find are rather orgasmic.
Mad dash back to the Johnny's shop where we finally made it inside only to be thwarted by an enormous line to check out. ABORT!! We had to get to Tokyo Dome. Hey at least I could say that I have been to the Johnny's Shop right??
Now don't ask me why, but I had somehow always imagined that my first concert inside Tokyo Dome would be Arsahi. This is what you call fangirl delusion. I have absolutely NO (zip! zero! zilch!) regrets that Kisumai was my first Tokyo Dome concert.
We arrived at Tokyo Dome and holy fangirls Batman:
Let the feels begin. I wish I had taken some better pictures, but it was like a sea of yellow. Tama fans abound folks.
Here is where I also admit that I am a relatively new Kisumai fan. It all started when a co-worker dropped a flash drive on my desk filled with Kisumai and Takcey & Tsubasa. Kisumai is kind of like crack, you take one hit and it's kind of all over. When it all started the only one I really knew from the whole bunch was Yokoo and that was only because he had been in Freeter with Nino. Well, I start listening and watching cons and there's this bitch faced kid who's not a bad dancer and now you're looking at the girl who's hooked on the baby of the group... Senga.
This would be the same Senga that gave Sho a present during Music Station and made Sho all gooey on the inside, but I digress.
Tokyo Dome Kis-My-World Obligatory Sho-style Selfie w/ my new green glasses!
So we get our key shaped penlights (because no Johnny's concert is complete without your penlight) and off to the nosebleeds we go. Now if you know anything about baseball or Tokyo Dome we were sitting a little right of homeplate and not that far from the roof. These would end up being pretty good seats, because you really good see every little thing that was going on.
I can't really give you a breakdown by setlist, because honestly I am still getting familar with Kisumai and their songs, but are some highlights.
1) Con started with this badass VTR of them in these dark cloaks in the woods and it was all sorts of awesome.
2) There was a stage at homeplate and those boys started the con on that right below us and then were up in the air.
3) MiyaTama wedding (please tell me I got that right) pretty much had everyone in a puddle. Did I mention the sea of yellow fans.
4) Announcement of Busaiku album
5) Senga's white pants!!
6) Sexy Zone's Kento & Shori being in the audience (we may or may not have watched them for quite sometime)
7) Pyrotechnics and firworks and SENGA'S WHITE PANTS.
8) SENGA'S WHITE PANTS!!! (no really when this DVD comes out and you watch it and you see his white pants.....it's a religous experience)
There were more highligts but it's all kind of a blur. This is a con I can't wait to have on DVD so I can go back and relive and remember all those moments.
I have this con's setlist on my phone and have been listening to it almost constantly since I have been home. So Kisumai was officially my first concert in Japan and at Tokyo Dome and I honestly could not have been happier to share that experience with Jess...it was her first Kisumai con too.
<-- After the con. Two exhausted and happy Kisumai fangirls.
<-- After we ate and met up with KIRI (eeeek!! more on that in the next update) Blue, Purple & Yellow!!!