May 12, 2006 17:22

Hello. Long time no post, so I finally have time now. With a whopping 5 or less weeks of school left, IB Testing for me =done. Prom is tomorrow night. I"m pretty excited. I was going to go with Justin as a friend but he didn't wanna go. So I'm going with some friends. My senior friends are graduating this year and I want to see them one last time. =D

At any rate, today I got about 2 inches taken off my hair, I feel like I paid too much for just getting 2 inches taken off. Anna spent the night last night and we watched Dead Poets Society, and some Fruits Basket. She likes it so far, so I'm happy. I can't help being excited to be able to see my friends being happy and enjoying themselves at their last, or for juniors, at their prom.

I had my last meeting with charlotte the other day. I'll miss her beautiful garden. This summer I'm going to come back with an organic picnic to thank her.

I'm on episode 120 of Naruto. Which is a lot of episodes watched seeing as I started on 30 just last week, haha.

I have senioritus a year early. It is so very awful. I almost ran for ASB but then I didn't because all of my other friends are running for something, and I'd rather not run against friends. =) I like having those.

I'm ready for those infinite summer nights.....
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