(no subject)

Nov 05, 2004 08:10

ETA: (10:46 am)

As of today you should all watch out, because I'm going to be wreaking havoc driving safely at 90 k's an hour or whatever the speed limit is.

It was so wierd. last time, I was sure I'd passed, and I failed. Today, I got there, went in, and we started driving and I was making so many mistakes (to my mind anyway)

I parked to close to a bus, stuffed up my kerbside stop/shut down/ sped (by 1 k)/ I don't remember. (Hey, I'm still sick)

And at one point, my hands and leg were shaking so much, and I could hardly push the clutch in or steer. And I'm trying not to let the woman see, because she would have instantly pulled me over and failed me and taken me back to the RTA cause I was sick.

But... after all that, I was there with Nathan (he was waiting for his lcence - he got his l's) and the lady came up and gave Nate his licence and Nate said "did she pass?" and I went "oh God, here it comes" and the lady said "yes!"

Barely, but that's not the point.


My throat is so so so painful. I can hardly talk and I keep coughing and choking and carrying on.
But at least today I feel like I am actually connected to the world instead of floating around in a wierd bubble.

Take, for instance, yesterday. I don't like having more than one day off school at a time. I'd had Wednesday off and felt slightly better so I decided to attack school.

Big mistake.

First period was Ancient History. Bel and Miss Burraston and Marine said I looked awful and they didn't know why I was at school. I had a free second, and then Business third. In Business, I spent most of the lesson asleep on the desk. Sat up at the end of the lesson, and had the worst dizzy fit and nearly passed out and couldn't breathe.

So I went home. And slept. And then Mitch came in and decided to make me cheerful by talking to me.

And now it's Friday and I have to leave for my p's test in 7 minutes and Nathan's in the lounge room playing very loud Eminem songs and it's loud and my ears hurt and it's too loud turn it off please because I can't cope.

*cries* I hate the flu. It's evil. And that music is going to DIE!

Now to make sure Nathan has everything for his l's test and school, etc. Wish me luck!
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