Apr 07, 2007 00:50
theres only like three of the people on my friends list who post on this now.. looks like your in for a treat.
Um I seen 300 tonight... wow that was sweet
my band needs a bassist and a vocalist
I need to find a school that has an A+ certification program pronto so I can get a job with computer repair
Been ridin a lot.. still kinda rusty on those tailwhips, havent tried backflips in a while.
Been clean from pot, booz, and cigarettes for about 6 months now thanks to giving my life up to Jesus Christ...thanks man, seriously you rule.
still single... why? oh well.
I moved to wyandotte, its pretty cool here, I have a tight set up in my sisters huge basement..I could even have band practice here while still maintaining a living room and bedroom, pretty boss if I do say so myself, and free!
chances are I'll be stuck working my dads car lot all summer untill the fall when wcccd has that program running...so I'm bummed about that.
maybe I'll find better work untill then.
well life has its turns and twists..like rediscovering livejournal, so um yeah thats all.