LOG: Tezuka and Inui

Oct 07, 2007 18:05

Tezuka and Inui talk about stuff and it's really cute. Takes place today and it's rated NC-17, obviously. :| Oh, and this is just an excuse to use my Inui/Tezuka icon.

Tezuka: *exits the bus and walks down the street to Inui's house* *reaches the front of his driveway and then stops for a moment*

Inui: *is working on cleaning up some of his more acidic experiments when the alarm goes off that someone is in the driveway* *turns on DRIVEWAY VIDEO FEED #1* Ah. Tezuka. *stuffs a few flasks of whatever under his desk and heads downstairs to wait*

Tezuka: *studies Inui's house for a moment, like he's not quite sure he wants to enter yet, but then his feet begin to move and he's standing in front of Inui's front door* *clears his throat and rings the doorbell*

Inui: *opens the door roughly 1/4 of a second after Tezuka rings the bell because he was waiting* Tezuka. Yo.

Tezuka: *blinks* Inui. Hello. *takes a half-step back*

Inui: Why don't you come in. *is used to people stepping back after he opens the door but can never quite figure out why they do it* *moves aside to let Tezuka in*

Tezuka: *nods* Ah, thank you. *almost brushes his arm against Inui's when he shuffles past him into the foyer*

Inui: Would you like anything to drink? *HAS SO MUCH NEW JUICE*

Tezuka: *slips off his shoes* Yes, please.

Inui: *leads the way to the kitchen* *is totally unaware that the back of his shirt has a big hole burned into it* What would you like?

Tezuka: *follows him, glancing around at the many family portraits on the wall* *raises an eyebrow when he notices that Inui's shirt has a large hole burned into it* Anything is fine, thanks. *sits down at the table*

Inui: *is about to poor Tezuka some of his new juice but then remembers it's untested* . . . *decides it would probably be a really mean birthday present to make him unconscious again* Er. Here. *hands him a glass of regular apple juice with a somewhat pained expression*

Tezuka: *stares at the glass of apple juice for a moment, contemplating whether it's completely safe* *looks up at Inui's face and raises an eyebrow* Ah, thank you. *places the glass on the table in front of him and then takes a sip* Hmm.

Inui: *feels rather proud of himself for being so nice on Tezuka's birthday* *gets a bottle of his own juice out of the fridge and drinks* So.

Tezuka: So. *clears his throat*

Inui: . . . Er. How long have you . . . um. With. Me. *drinks the rest of his juice in one go*

Tezuka: Since the end of our first year of junior high. *puts his hands in his lap*

Inui: . . . Ah. *wonders how the hell his data missed that* Hm. I did too, you know. Although for me it began . . . *pulls a notebook out of somewhere and flips to a random page* November of our first year of junior high. *puts the notebook back wherever it came from*

Tezuka: ... Your feelings have changed since then?

Inui: Er. It's not so much that as. Well. *messes up his hair* I was rather convinced you weren't interested, understand, so I, ah. Set my sights elsewhere. *awkwarrrd*

Tezuka: I didn't really think much of the feelings at the time because I was so focused on tennis at the time, but they become much more prominent after third year started and I simply just hid them -- people say I'm good at that.

Inui: Ah . . . yes. If I had, er. Suspected. I would have done something about it. *fiddles his thumbs and looks at his socks because BOY THEY ARE INTERESTING* But now I am somewhat . . . um. Involved.

Tezuka: *nods* I should have done something in the first place -- I'm not sure why I didn't. Ah. *looks away and outside the window because even he thinks this is REALLY, REALLY awkward* I... know.

Inui: *lakfafe* *feels like an asshole* Tezuka. You . . . shouldn't blame yourself.

Tezuka: *hsdkjfs* *well, he thinks this whole thing is totally his fault and it shouldn't have happened to begin with* ... I can't blame you for wanting to move on, Inui. I only blame myself for not doing something when I had the chance.

Inui: You shouldn't let this discourage you. In general. You internalize too much. *remembers something* Ah. That reminds me. *stands up* Let's go to my room.

Tezuka: *sighs* I'm trying not to let it discourage me, I had to face the issue someday, you know. *blinks when Inui stands up* ... Oh, alright. *stands up too*

Inui: *leads the way upstairs* *curses when he can't open his door more than a foot wide because there's even more shit than usual piled up behind it* . . . Hmm. *kicks it until it opens*

Tezuka: *follows him upstairs* *watches him kick the door open* I think you're behind with your cleaning, Inui. *quietly*

Inui: *adjusts his glasses* Ah. Yes. *eyes the six large piles and twelve small piles of junk on the floor* Yes, I might want to do that at some point. *clears his throat and drops to the floor to look under the bed* Oh . . . don't stand too close to the desk.

Inui: something under the desk: *bubbles evilly*

Tezuka: *inches away from the desk cautiously* Hn. *watches Inui*

Inui: *is halfway underneath his bed at this point* I know it's here somewhere. *throws a few empty bottles of juice over his shoulder*

Tezuka: *... clears his throat* *would sit down in Inui's chair but it appears to have something growing on it* I'm not in a rush. My parents don't expect me back for hours.

Inui: *gives up on under the bed* Hmm. Good. *goes to the closet but stops before he can open the door* . . . *is scared of his closet* No, it's not in there. *goes to large pile #9 instead and starts rummaging* Do you know what you'll be doing with your family tonight?

Tezuka: *shakes his head* Not really. I think my parents are throwing me a small family party. *sighs inwardly* To be honest, I didn't really realize my birthday was upon me until a day or two ago.

Inui: *smirks* You sound so old, Tezuka.

Tezuka: ... You are not the first person who's said that to me, Inui.

Tezuka: *looks away, a little embarrassed*

Inui: It's intended as a compliment, I assure you. *stands up because he found it finally* *turns around and hands Tezuka a notebook that says TEZUKA on the front* I didn't get the chance to wrap it. I apologize.

Tezuka: *almost smiles* Then I'll take it as a compliment. *takes the notebook into his hands and looks it over* No, no, it's fine. I don't expect you to get me anything for my birthday. I don't ask much materialistically from you to begin with. *flips through the notebook*

Inui: I gave one to Oishi as well. They're helpful for not internalizing too many. Er. Feelings. *thinks this should work for everyone*

Tezuka: *looks up at him* Thank you. *this time he REALLY FREAKING SMILES*

Inui: *is really surprised behind his glasses* *smiles back* I. Um. Hope you find it useful. It helps me. . . . *sort of wishes Horio would run by in a tutu so they could have a distraction*

Tezuka: I'm sure I will find it useful. I really appreciate this, Inui. *or possibly something blows up downstairs and that gives them a distraction*

Inui: something downstairs: *is convenient* *EXPLODES* Ah.

Inui: . . . Pardon me.

Inui: *runs downstairs*

Tezuka: ... *blinks* *watches him run downstairs* *smiles faintly to himself*


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