Aug 16, 2009 23:32

So Dad gave me a bunch of cd's full of old photos tonight, because they'd gotten them all professionally scanned, and I wanted to look through them. AND THEY WERE JUST SO CUTE that I decided to post a bunch of them here. I think I was somewhere around 3-6 in most of the pics in this post, because at one point on that cd, it was my birthday and I was holding up 4 fingers. But they may not have been in order, so idk. I will ask mom tomorrow, because hell if I remember when I did this stuff.

ANYWAY, ON TO THE CUTE. I posted them in the order of how they were on the cd instead of by how old I was, because I suck at judging that, obvs. XD

Gymnastics! Of course I was too short to actually reach anything by myself. :| I had a wicked awesome leotard to make up for it, though. ...I wore that thing around a lot.

KITTY. I miss him. D:

Chillin' with the cousins at Christmas.

On the carousel!

Petting zooo.

Fancy dress! I believe this was at my aunt and uncle's wedding.

That was my bff's brother. We thought we looked pretty cool. XD

Nap time with the kitty! :3

Cousin pwnage.

Now that's what I call style.

Ariel was totally all the rage.

I wanted to be a princess! The kind that kicked butt, of course. Also, glow sticks are shiny.

Tug of war with our Great Dane. I totally won. :|

Edit: So I realized, after going through these discs, that nothing is in any sort of logical order whatsoever. Which makes me feel better. XD SO ENJOY THE CUTE IN RANDOM ORDER from now on.

tiny toast

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