Jan 31, 2006 10:56
So, its like..Uhh 10:12 wow
roads were slippery this morning..I could barely stay straight walking to the bus stop..I cant imagine what it was like for the people who drove this morning...baaa
So, to not miss the bus I had to run to it....I dont know If my sister is here because she missed the bus- she had anticipated a snow day and woke up 40 or so minutes late. mm yup..
we had half of first period and then went to see "Alvin Ailey II" in the Strom Auditorium..It sucked. I can't believe they stuck us through that..and yet in the end we gave them a standing O.. huh.. It was people iterperative dancing to motzart.. half way through it got better.. but it was still under par- this dude danced to like a japanese pop song... but not at all..."taka taka taka taka taka ka aka taka" kinda like in when Dr. Evil does the macarina in the one of the Austin Powers movies. mm
And then they did a dance to uhhh..Wade in the water... which is in 'O brother where art thou' mm
damn I just want a bagel.. But they took away our break for us to see the people in spandex..wooo.. But I really do want a bagel.. nice crispy one with cream cheese./cough not butter
Eh our whole class is here cuz we are "working on our papers"
Im doing mine on Mary Jane... also known as cannabis and my friend Alissa here is doing hers on Superstitions- damn almost just got caught by the teacher- but I was just informed that if you sneeze on Tuesday you have to kiss a stranger and if you sneeze twice you "sneeze for joy"
"lettuce is believed to have magical and healing properties, including the power to arouse love and counteract the effects of wine"
"If your right ear itches , someone is speaking well of you"
damn if I only knew my right from left..
"It is bad luck to cut your fingernails on a friday or a saturday"
hahahaha and we have found a winner
" If you use the same pencil to take a test that you used for studying for the test, the pencil will remember the answers"
what a bunch of crap..
and yet... Im going to try the pencil thing..hahahaha
but anyways-
mm yup-
ok well its been nice babbling on, but its time for me to depart..
eww tags are itchy