Jun 11, 2004 12:58
Ok, So last night:
3:50 - Talking to Sara [Lang] about last minute arangements. Had fun quoting Anti-Matter! (what does it matter?)
4:10 - Lang arrives for some hard-core looking at my house and attempting to pet the horses.
4:15 - Joeva arrives on time. Shortly fallowing she comes in a takes my Chex Mix and 3 dollars in change (Dont worry Jo, I dont care)
4:1something - Kristy is here. We wait around along time for Kate and Jenna. But upon calling Kate we relized that we have to pick her up.
4:34 - Joeva, Lang and I set out to pick up Joeva's friend Micheal far far away in Crystal. but it was all good for we turned up Black Sails and well sang...alot.
5:04 - Arrived at Micheal's. And get Gas. We were aiming for 7 dollars but joeva totally did 7:01 and yelled. The guy next to us (with a grey mullet) just turned stared and shook his head.
5: 5something - THE QUEST! We parked in front Sex World and quoted "Super Rad"
When we walked in some German version of Atom and His Package was on stage. She said "Danke" after one of her songs and I was all "Beta" (sp?) and she goes "ohh frierline in the house!" (sp?). Hilarious. We met up with some kids Joeva knows. Dan Jsomething and I think Creig and Nick? They were fun.
Planet Smashers were great too. With song titles like "Super Orgy Porno Party" and "I never want to drink again, With out you". During one of thier songs they got us all to sit down and on the count of ten everyone jumped up and went crazy! Coolest thing ever.
THE AQUABATS! Lang, Joeva, Micheal and I were up 1 row from the bar and the MC kept grabbing our hands and shoving the mic in your face! I stayed up there for a long time and even got one arm on the rail. but I started to get dizy so I went out and got some water. I jumped in just in time for martian girl and got back in the front!! Eventrually Sara and I were ON THE BAR. They closed with Hello, Goodnight. Which was amazing because well thats my favorite songa and they never ever play it. for the Oncore (sp?!) they played pool party so the MC got his swimsuit on (taking off his shirt half way) I was right in the middle so I tapped his stomach and he was all "oh you like that six pack" and kept rambling abotu it. Of course Kate and Kristy dont believe me but he totally did. During one part of the sang he grabbed Lang's hands and made it into a point and stuck it in his eye. Hilarious. The night ended well when I recieved a set list and got a Jones juice at the local tom thumb. :)