
Jul 14, 2010 04:01

  • 13:10 victory is mine. my mom said she'd wake me up if i napped through the day. i just napped for two hours, in and out, but still! #
  • 14:34 according to this quiz, i am 101% asian. ... #
  • 14:35 RT @oepika RT @ThatSceneKitty: Fuck college. I wanna go to Hogwarts and play Quidditch. #
  • 14:37 and this other quiz said I was a hipster. ...o.k.a.y. #
  • 14:51 my sister just came into my room, with her face painted as a clown QofaiwiQOOROWGNA WHY #
  • 16:03 @ modestlyexposed what, I demand one~ #
  • 16:51 I'm not the same kid from your memory, well now I can fend for myself. #
  • 19:06 @ _Gissel_ it's pretty legit(: #
  • 20:10 i want the pecan pie blizzard. #
  • 20:27 I'm not even worth new glasses. Good to see I'm loved. #
  • 20:41 it's not fair, just let me perfect it. #
  • 20:44 Since Sunday I've basically been laying in bed, crying. Loqotuq. #
  • 22:59 you're from a small town, you're going to grow up fast under these lights. #
  • 23:46 I love @TracyZurbrick more #
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