wtf, GW?

Feb 18, 2009 17:38

Blech, GW has been fucking things up since the shiny new Vision Statement was announced.

There will be no new "anti" threads or "complaints only" threads for SGU. Open discussion threads only. The mods want to emphasize happy comments over angry/disappointed comments, though I can't tell you the number of times I've seen SGU fanboys openly insult those who dare to think the show could suck with no mod consequences (and I've grown tired of using the "report post" feature, especially since I've felt let down by the mods of late).

There will not be any more anti-ship threads like anti-McKay/Keller. No, instead there's going to be a anti-all McKay ships thread (for all your anti-McKay/Keller, anti-McKay/Katie, anti-McKay/Weir (shut your mouth! ^_^) needs) and an anti-all Keller ships thread (Keller with McKay, Ronon, etc). So if you're anti McKeller you have to watch both threads instead of just one. And if you don't like McKeller you'll have to share space with those who don't like Keller/Ronon (oh gee, NO potential for conflict there! Imagine if/when the Shep/Weir and Shep/Teyla shippers butt heads in the anti-all Shep ship thread!)

Anti threads get merged or closed. Pro threads don't go anywhere. Anti threads are apparently bad because they create a closed environment that fosters fanaticism, anger, and isolationism. But pro threads are apparently peachy keen, even though they are often just as closed off and fanatic. Yeah.

Anti-McKeller posters are understandably upset, but the response from the mods has been either aloof or arrogant. The only people that are happy with the change are those who like McKeller, several of whom have the gall to get on their high horses and lecture others. Gee, who'da thought? I swear, the whole reason the mods are fucking up the character/relationship subforum is just because certain posters and/or PTB complained about the anti-McKeller-ness of GW. And the whole reason they're clamping down on SGU is because TPTB complained that their shiny new show isn't as beloved as they'd like.

tl;dr - GW is screwed because the mods are wasting all this time and isolating fans by revamping the forum instead of BANNING PEOPLE WHO BEHAVE LIKE CRAP.

A weird aside, TPTB have started filming SGU, they had a whole-cast dinner the other night, and yet they've released all the male actor names and none of the female ones? That's...really odd. Suspicious even.

sgu, sga, fandom insanity

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