No fewer than five unsusbstantiated theories about Mañana Es Para Siempre

Apr 23, 2009 14:08

No fewer than five unsusbstantiated theories about Mañana Es Para Siempre

1. Eduardo and the mustache guy who's married to Fernanda are actually one and the same. They're never seen in the same place at the same time, are they?

2. Mr. Claw (I dunno his name but I call him Mr. Claw) is actually Soledad, who didn't actually die but is living Darth Vader-style as an android.

3. Eduardo actually died when Soledad was murdered and it's his ghost who's all stirring up shit now.

4. The dude with the really bad mullet is actually travelling backwards in time, Benjamin Button style.

5. Fernanda's sister is secretly working for Charles Whitmore to get both families back to the island.


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