Maaaan, it's fall!

Oct 14, 2010 07:11

Yeah, and I haven't updated in ages.

So here it goes.

Last week I was in Norway with my fiancee and his family. It was awesomecakes!!
The landscape is REALLY beautiful, all rock and wild woods and such 8D
Made me want to draw a Manga featuring lots of woods and spooky castles XD
Oh, and I caught fish!
Some of you may know that I'm a vegetarian (since late August or so XD; ), but I decided that catching your own fish, completely fairly, just you, the fishing pole and the fish, is pretty a-okay.
Hilariously, of all those weathered fishermen/women of the family, I the rookie, caught the most fish XD Which still weren't many, only 5.
But angling is quite fun :3 and fresh fish is ~tasty~ (especially Macarell <3 yummm!)

I have to say it again: IT'S FALL! I LOVE FALL! I love the cold seasons!
Yay for scarves, hats and gloves!
Speaking of hats, I bought the cutest owl-hat (or as I like to call it: The Uhut, hurr hurr hurr)! Can't find (or take) a picture right now, derrp.

And wow, University's over.
That was
Right now I'm doing an internship at Game-San !
They're a bunch of awesome people and awesomely, I've got the chance to get a job there, once the internship is over.
Which means MONEY~
Won't be a full-time job, but I'm actually perfectly fine with that. 3 days a week (as it is now) is just right.

Btw, did you notice that it's 7am and I'm AWAKE.
I woke up at about 5:30.
This is strange.

We're finally LIVING in our new flat.
And we have a ;coffee machine!
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