For those of you who haven't visited my website recently, I thought I'd just let you know that I've done a good bit of work on it over the last month or so. Moved it over to a new faster server, added new content such as some articles that I've written, and I've also spent some time organizing everyone who hosts content with me into a more unified structure. They're mostly music, so I created a landing / splash page with links to everyone's sites, so ohax is kinda like a record label or something now. It's pretty sweet.
ohax.com - main page of my portfolio.
music.ohax.com - ohax "records" landing page
DJ Toaster - DJ toaster page. You can download almost every mix I've made (at least the good ones)
SO yeah, check them out! If you make music and want a simple website and a place to distribute it online quickly, hit me up and join the fabulous celebrities who already are signed to ohax records. ;)