Nov 19, 2007 11:01
I'm feeling one of those + and - entries.
A lot of stuff is currently going on for me, mostly positive, some negative. This term of school has definitely been my favorite so far, both socially and school-wise.
+Being a Journalism major. When I first came to SU, I declared a Communication Studies major, and I'm very happy that I changed it. Journalism is in the same department, and has quite a few of the same basic classes, so I didn't fall behind my switching. I kind of realized how much I like to write, and I think that being a journalism major kind of gives me a little bit more of a direction than com studies, which was fairly ambiguous. I'm in two journalism classes, and like both of them, despite the fact that one of my teachers is a total tool. Waffles is the "new" OiNK, and I'm a part of their moderator staff. It feels good to be on the forefront of this whole issue.
+New music. So much good stuff has come out recently. Radiohead's "In Rainbows" was fucking fantastic, as well as the recently leaked Gorillaz B-Sides compilation "D-Sides." Daft Punk's live CD leaked as well, and even though I've heard it before since I was at the show, it's quite nice being able to hear it on a decent-sounding sound system (fuck you, WaMu Theater). Other stuff that I've been digging recently has included Jay-Z, Justice, and, as usual, the Beatles.
-Love life. Tara and I broke up in April, and I've been pretty much single since then. There's been some hookups and stuff, but so many of my friends are in serious relationships, and I see them all being lovey and shit and it makes me want it again. Steve and Bonnie are the worst, PDAing all the time. I'm sure someone will come, but it's just annoying waiting.
-The Ducks. You all know this one. Hopefully Arizona will lose so we can go to the Rose Bowl still. :|
+The Beatles Anthology. I've been watching this miniseries recently, and it's definitely a must-watch for any Beatles fan. I know more about them and their career now than I ever actually needed to know. Great concert footage, and greater interviews with the 3 of them (-John R.I.P).
+Seattle. It's fucking great. Too many concerts than I know what to do with.
So yeah, overall, I'm doing great. Eugene kids, I'll be back tomorrow evening. Let's chill.