Fic: Five Things Teal'c Thought He Saw

Dec 29, 2009 17:10

Posted as a response to the Christmas Challenge on Pepe's Place. Two record firsts for me: (1) it’s told from Teal’c POV; and (2)... it doesn’t get above a mild R rating! I must be ill (actually, I think I am - achoo! - but that’s beside the point!).

Summary: It’s all in the title
Pairing: J/D
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Rating: R at best
Length: 1,000 words (5 double drabbles)

Five Things Teal'c Thought He Saw

Thing One

Teal'c sat surrounded by candlelight, deep in Kel'no'reem. Serenity washed through him as his thoughts floated free. His mind was at one with...

*whisper, whisper*

was at one with...

*smothered laugh*

WAS AT ONE WITH the Universe around him. He concentrated more deeply, trying to ignore the sounds his sharp ears were picking up from the store cupboard next to his room. Sounds that, had he not known better, could be interpreted as intimate - *very* intimate. But he did know better. The tones were clearly both male, and according to Tau'ri conventions, two males were forbidden to consort in such a fashion. Certainly therefore, two men would not risk doing so on Base.

Finally, the voices shushed each other and he could hear the door opening and the two men walking softly past the entrance to his room. He flickered his eyes open briefly as they crossed the small section of corridor visible from his partly open door. He caught only the smallest glimpse, but he was sure... no, perhaps not sure, but almost certain... nearly... it did look a lot like Colonel O'Neill and Daniel Jackson.

Teal'c sat there a long while in the peaceful candlelight, eyebrow raised.

Thing Two

Major Carter's presentation on energy-generating equipment the next morning was fascinating, but as it was not weapons technology, Teal'c was content to sit at the back of the room with the rest of SG-1 while the scientists clustered up front. He glanced over at O'Neill, who was slumped back in his chair on the far side of Daniel Jackson, apparently resting peacefully in the dim, pleasant lighting. A part of Teal'c wished he could do the same, but such a breach of etiquette was beyond him.

Suddenly, he snapped to attention. That section of Goa'uld explanatory writings had been mis-translated. He waited for Doctor Jackson to leap in with the correction. Yet Major Carter continued on, un-interrupted. Teal'c frowned in puzzlement. His teammate was sitting beside him, clearly awake and alert, yet he had not said a word.

"DanielJackson?" he inquired in a low voice, leaning towards him.

The effect was startling. Daniel Jackson jerked upwards, and O'Neill's right arm, which had been hanging over the side of his seat, swiftly found its way back to the chair's armrest.

Teal'c blinked and rewound the image in his mind. Had O'Neill's finger *really* been stroking the inside of Daniel Jackson's wrist?

Thing Three

In the mission briefing that afternoon, Teal'c began observing O'Neill and Daniel Jackson more closely for signs of an unconventional relationship. However, all he could see was O'Neill barely attempting to conceal his irritation at the mission being on the Eve of Christmas. Daniel Jackson too appeared restless, but then, so did Major Carter.

Finally, General Hammond addressed the issue; "SG-1, pay attention," he said crisply. "You drew the short straw with Christmas duty this year. Get over it. You should be back by tomorrow morning. Doctor Fraiser has already said she is prepared to take over cooking duties from Dr Jackson, so you will not miss Christmas Dinner."

O'Neill grumped, "But we were looking forward to getting up and opening the first Christmas presents at dawn."

Teal'c raised an eyebrow. He had not been looking forward to any such thing.

Immediately, O'Neill flinched, a look of pain briefly crossing his features. Had someone kicked him under the table?

"I mean," he hurried on, "*I* was looking forward to it. I was about to invite everyone else when I was interrupted by this last-minute briefing."

Teal'c was sure that Daniel Jackson's face was now bright crimson. Had he interpreted correctly?

Thing Four

They had completed the mission in record time. The artefact abandoned by SG-7 in their haste to return to Base following a team member's injury had been successfully retrieved. Of course, normally SG-1 would not be sent on an operation such as this, but the SGC was down to the unlucky teams on holiday rotation, so everyone did what they could.

However, it was not wise to risk a long trek in total darkness in unfamiliar territory unless necessary (as O'Neill put it, 'we're not being chased by armed hairy natives'), so they had proceeded with the overnight camp as planned. It had even been pleasant, with SG-1 sitting round the campfire contentedly toasting the marshmallows which Daniel Jackson had, to everyone's delight, produced. It was Teal'c's first encounter with toasted marshmallows, and even a burned tongue had not reduced his enjoyment of the experience.

They had proceeded directly to the showers after a short debriefing, and then... the room was full of steam, and Teal'c had his back to the others as he lathered himself up, but as he turned around, he glimpsed... surely it was not usual for O'Neill to caress Daniel Jackson's buttocks in such a fashion?

Thing Five

As so confidently predicted by Hammond, they returned in time for Christmas Dinner. SG-1 happily chomped through an extraordinary amount of food, and Teal'c discovered that 'eggnog' was best experienced only once in somebody's life.

After a remission for a post-lunch collapse in front of the television, their little party roared on into the evening. When Daniel expressed that he felt unwell, the good-natured mockery of Major Carter and Doctor Fraiser followed him to the bathroom... as did O'Neill - 'to make sure he's okay'.

The ladies, busy sharing filthy stories, did not notice how long they remained absent.

Suddenly, Teal'c's acute ears caught sounds of distress.

"No... Don't!"

It was Daniel Jackson. For the first time, it occurred to Teal'c that O'Neill's overtures might be unwelcome. Swiftly, he made his way to the bathroom. What he saw left him with no further doubts. The door had swung open to reveal an unclothed Daniel Jackson bent over the sink... and O'Neill pounding into him, sinking his shaft deep inside.

"Don't you dare fucking stop! I don't care that the fucking door's come open. Stop now and I'll kill you!"

Quietly, Teal'c retreated, the corners of his mouth twitching in a grin.

stargate sg-1

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