Mar 27, 2011 13:53

This is the FAQ section for Toasted Graphics. You can ask questions here and I'll try to answer them as soon as I can. Make sure to read through everything first. Rules can be found in the profile.


♔ Can I join the community?

Go right ahead. Feel free to watch it too if you want updates. You can join/watch here.

♔ Who are the mods? Who's the owner?
Everything is maintained by rainbow_toaster

♔ I drew that fanart you used for icon #25
You did? Would you prefer it I took it down or if I credit you properly?

♔ Can I post my own graphics in this community?
At the moment, no. Once I get the hang of things around here and I've got all my posts organised, I'll most likely consider letting people post stuff here. Should this ever happen, all you have to do is ask me and send me some samples.

♔ Will you respond to every comment?
I'll try my best to. While it does get tedious to keep replying "thank you!", I feel that it's the polite thing to do. I want everyone to know how much I appreciate every compliment/comment I get. It means a lot to me because graphics are usually the only thing I can properly contribute to a fandom.

This answer is longer than it should be. OTL

♔ Where do you get your images/textures/etc from?
Now that I have this community up, I'm going to try my best to credit everything... or find the original sources. I get a lot of my stuff from Zero-chan and whatever's flying around the internet. I'd definitely appreciate it if people can tell me who the original artist is for a certain fanart though.

As for textures, I have so many that I can't remember where half of them came from in the first place. I'll try to have a resource post up somewhere once I go through everything and pinpoint the creators.

♔ Do we have to credit you?
I would love you forever but it's not necessary. As long as you don't claim that you made it, it's all cool. Really, just seeing icons that I've made around LJ brings a smile to my face. If you want to credit, then just type either toastedgraphics or rainbow_toaster

♔ Do you take requests?
When I have plenty of free time, I'll post a Requests post where you guys can just tell me what specific fandom/character/pairing/group you want. It'll probably be open for a week, and then the requests get filled the next. I honestly don't mind doing this because I always take joy in making people 8D ♥

♔ How can we contact you?
Send me a PM on my personal journal (rainbow_toaster) or just post a comment somewhere here. Questions are to be posted in this post though.

♔ No hotlinking?
No hotlinking please. I'm pretty sure most people save the icons to their desktop anyway, but just in case.

♔ Will you post tutorials?
Honestly? I don't know yet. When I make my graphics, everything is on a whim. I play around with textures and stuff until I get it. If anyone notices something special about the way I make my wallpapers and wants to know how I did it, I guess I can try making a tutorial.


♔ Do you toast rainbows or does the toast become rainbows?
I'll let you decide ♥

♔ If you're rainbow_toaster and your graphics are rainbow toasted, why aren't there any rainbows or toast around here?

I promised five people already, so I'll have to put you on the waiting list.


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