JAKE AND HEATHER!!!!!!!!!!!%#$&!#%$ Oh MAN. She was so freaking adorable with the directions about the truck and the worrying, and so i was all "okay, see, in my imagination right about now she'd kiss him! but it's so early in the show..." AND THEN SHE KISSED HIM.
In my imagination right now i want 10 million dollars and a plane ticket to New York.
Anyway, it was SO PRETTY. With the sunshine and the spontaniety and JAKE AND HEATHER KISSING! Dude, seriously, with Heather being in last week's episode for a split second, tonight i was thinking that there'd better be some Jake/Heather because that is the only reason i am invested in this silly show. IT'S A GOOD THING THEY LISTENED TO ME. Not that i'd stop watching, i'd just get pretty impatient waiting around, ya know.
I also kind of like farm boy/city girl, they're cute. (Mimi and... that guy? uhhhhhhhhh. i should just start calling these characters by nicknames because i have no idea what their actual names are. Adulterous Brother, Mayor Dad, Deaf Sister, Old Lady Grocer... it works, they're all very neatly categorized!) Sorry, i'm getting away from the important topic. JAKE AND HEATHER MAKING OUT. Yessssssssss. And hey, i like that Heather is sort of friends with Emily, it makes me not hate Emily's annoying guts so much. Heather is just so CUTE, she brings likeability, joy, happiness, sunshine, rainbows, and puppies to all those around her! Especially when kissing Jake! WOOOOO PRETTY KISSING ON TV SHOWS IS WHAT I LIVE FOR.
Just so you know, every single time in this entry that i went to type "Jake", i actually typed "Jack". Old habits die hard. :/
Weeeeeeeeell what the fuck. So much for the tailies. :(
As much as i think Rodrigo Santoro is pretty, the introduction of him and that chick is SO FREAKING CLUNKY. "Let's randomly start talking to and incorporating into our schemes these two other people who the rest of us have totally known all along even though you've never seen them before lol!"
I liked Juliet's video trickery and "no ketchup?" and them admitting outright that she looks like Sarah!
Next week looks crazy and maybe pretty cool (hey let's wait till "season finale" type thingies for anything to happen whatsoever!), but i am going to hide behind the couch during the Kate/Sawyer sex. It makes me feel rather ill. :/
WHY AM I SO NOT EXCITED BY THIS SHOW ANYMORE. UGH. At least it's still sorta pretty.
This icon makes me feel kind of sad.