smells like carrots!

May 25, 2006 00:55

So i really have nothing to add about this episode because all i can come up with is "WTF!!*!%^@(&%!#^#", but... that was a totally fucking awesome two hours of television. At the beginning i was all relaxed thinking "man, this is great, we've got a whole two hours for wacky hijinks and all this shit to get sorted out!" And then when there were only five minutes left i was thinking "NOOOOOOOOOO IT CAN'T END WTFWTFWTFWTF NO GODDAMMIT LOST I HATE YOU." In other words: good times.

I really pretty much grew to love Desmond in this ep, so i fucking hope he's not dead. Except he probably definitely is. :( BUT PENNY WILL BE SO SAD! Hey, speaking of which... WTF.

Sayid, Sawyer, and Jack all pointing guns down into the boat at Desmond drunk off his ass was hilaaaaaaarious. I loved how that parodied the season premiere with opening the hatch, finding Desmond, and "You." It also kind of freaks me out how much this episode paralleled last season's finale- trekking through the jungle, setting out on a boat/raft, using dynamite to blow up the hatch, Walt being taken away on a boat, BLACK SMOKE. Weird shit, dude. WEIRD FUCKING SHIT.

Hey, Michael, that's nice for you that you got your son back and are happily leaving the island, but, uh... you kind of screwed over eeeeeeeveryone else.

Henry Gale: now even fucking creepier.


"I think i crashed your plane." = SO FUCKING AWESOME.

Random weird shit that i enjoyed: painting the invisible map, the four-toed statue (WTF?), "what did one snowman say to the other snowman?" (I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THAT SIGNIFIED BUT FOR SOME REASON I REALLY LOVED IT.)

Deadly silverware and electromagnetism gone horribly awry = ALSO AWESOME.

WHO THE FUCK WAS LIBBY?!??!? I'm so confused. I was trying to fit it into a timeline, that maybe she went crazy after her husband died? But i can't... really... think straight. And timelines are hard.

Hey, you know how she said her husband's name was David? And Hurley's imaginary friend was... Dave?


I liked the part where Jack and Sawyer and Sayid all went swimming, but i don't understaaaaand why Jack didn't take off his shirt too! I mean, HELLO. WTF.

I also liked the part where Kate got shot with a dart and then Jack CARRIED HER, and also the part where they reassured each other by blinking. (which sounds incredibly dumb when i put it that way, but... they blinked! in a sort of signaling way! that they are going to be okay because they are TOGETHER.)

I was kind of happy that Charlie and Claire kissed, but it could not have come at an ODDER time. Seriously? THAT'S the last thing that you're going to show us on the island before the crazy Antarctica station? People are DYING and being KIDNAPPED and EXPLODING and... Charlie and Claire kissed. Uhhhhhhhhh.

Anyway. Did i mention those two hours totally RULED? Because they did. I don't care that i have no idea what's going on, it was AWESOME.



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