I actually... don't have words. I'm just so numb to all of this, since Fox has been dicking us around for so long, and the show hasn't been on for months, and last season's finale was the one where i was crying over it maybe not getting renewed. Now i'm just... ugh. I don't know. It doesn't seem real. Like, that wasn't the end! No! That totally wasn't it! Which, you know, maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. I JUST DON'T KNOW HOW TO FEEL ANYMORE.
There were too many hilarious things to remember out of TWO HOURS. Justine was awesome, and GOB and Franklin ("turning illusions... tricks."), and Buster in the coma ("a light to no coma"!), and Tobias is a nellie, and... i don't know, GEORGE MICHAEL AND MAEBY. Kiiiiiiiiisssssiiiiiiiing! Drunk on fake wine! Lust! Back to thinking they were related but really finally ending up not to be! And oh my GOD, Lindsay turning out to be adopted and then the faux-incest with Michael AND GOB?!?!? I was dying. PLUS GOB and ANN (!!!!!!!), they seriously went crazy with the last episode and all the wrongness, it was awesome. And of course i loved all the parallels with the pilot, it made me sad. Oh Jesus, ANNYONG. His real name is Hello! AJGHDLJHFVLJFLJ. I cried when Michael cried. Michael and George Michael finally leaving was fitting, but i still didn't feel enough closure. George Michael and Maebyyyyyyyyy! So sad, so so sad.
Oh, dude, the push-through title screen when they went to Iraq. (they love the Alias references, man. Remember when that show was good? And... on the air?) The Judge Reinhold references. RON HOWARD!!
I seriously can't even remember anything that happened, it's all a blur of hilarity and depression. I don't even want to talk about it. I'm just dead. My soul has died. Which, coincidentally, also leads into what i have to say about BSG.
SPOILER SPACE, just for you. Yes, you. No, not you. YOU.
WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??!??! WHY WOULD YOU KILL BILLY??!?!? That is just hateful. Hateful and cruel. It didn't even cross my mind until about... ten minutes or so before the end of the episode to start saying "...oh SHIT, DON'T KILL BILLY." as it dawned on me that Billy had been focused on way too much (proposal! his brother died! he's Roslin's family!), and when they give unusual character focus, that's almost a sure sign of DEATH. NO NO NO NO NOOOOO. BILLY!!!!!!! I just... i can't believe it. FUCK YOU, DUALLA. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. Dee used to be so cute. Now i hate her. And then at the end she's by Lee's bedside? Uhhh... huh? Fuck off, TRIANGLE OF HATE.
BILLYYYYYYYYYYY!!!@&^%#^!%$^!$^ I cried and cried. Tears of blood. And hate. I wasn't expecting this episode to be so HORRIBLY UPSETTING. I was just expecting run-of-the-mill suckitude! Not... BILLY DYING. He was the one person who never, ever deserved to die! Ever! And i know, innocent people being killed unfairly is what the episode was about, but... BILLY! Roslin in the morgue fixing his hair and... no. NO.
I almost hope he's a cylon just so he can come back. You know... Billy the NICE cylon! And we can pretend nothing ever happened! YAY, Billy the Nice Cylon. He can have his own little happy show with rainbows and puppies and presidential hijinks. Oh Billy! You goofy cylon, you freakishly tall robot in a land of tiny people! It's always been hard, being the nice cylon in a world that doesn't understand you! I'm actually picturing this show a lot like Doug. The cartoon. Billy and Patti Mayonnaise, OTP!!!^#%!! FUCK YEAH.
Seeing both Lee and Kara in civilian clothes was intensely weird. Uhm... Kara dressed like a normal girl? Huh? She wore a dress ONCE, dudes. That i could deal with. But this was weird.
Poor Lee, shot by his own girlfriend/sister/brother/best friend/mythical counterpart/wingman. :(
WTF THEY KILLED BILLY. Lee/Dee can go suck a fuck.