i got movin' on my mind

Jun 14, 2005 18:11

First of all, immensely huge thank yous to everyone who offered to host me. You're all so NICE! It's good to know that, like Jack and Kate, somebody's got my back (HAHAH SEE WHAT I DID THERE? I'm a nerd.) Anyway- my site! It is back! Thanks to the awesomely awesome numerocinco, i'm now at http://marina.disparue.net. Change your links, tell your friends, have it framed and mounted on your wall. I also put up a new layout just for the occasion. (If i wanted to be really trite, i would call this version "the boys of summer". But i'm not going to do that. Because it would be lame.) Oh, also, i went back and changed links so all the old icon posts and whatnot have working images again.

Now i must declare my undying love for canadiian because she SOMEHOW SOMEWAY managed to procure tickets for a screening of Serenity in Miami on June 23 and FOR SOME REASON invited me to come along. For once, luck shined down upon her, and i'm, you know, over here on the side stealing some of the shininess. So, yet again, i am going to a different city to see a sci-fi movie for one of my favorite fandoms. FUNNY how things work. Also, i give you permission to hate me. I would hate me, too. In fact, if you were to travel back in time and tell myself from a few weeks ago that i was going to see Serenity three months early, i would tell my future self to fuck off and die. But then i'd probably realize that i am my future self, so it meant that my past self would have the tickets too, just a little later, and then i'd be really excited, so... that was a bad example. And while we're on it, if you were traveling through time, why wouldn't you just go FORWARD to the release date and see Serenity when it's out in theatres? THIS EXAMPLE IS INHERENTLY FLAWED.

daygloparker is the first person to ever tag me for one of these thingies, i think. I am honored.

List 8 songs that you are currently digging ... it doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words or even if they're any good but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artist and the song in your blog along with your eight songs. Then tag five other people to see what they're listening to.

In no particular order:

1. The Mars Volta - The Widow
2. The White Stripes - Hotel Yorba
3. Quasi - Please Do
4. Warp 11 - Captain Caught Me on the Holodeck (dafnap rules.)
5. Devendra Banhart - Owl Eyes
6. Hot Hot Heat - Get In Or Get Out
7. The Fiery Furnaces - Up In the North
8. The Faint - Sealed Human

I am too lazy to tag other people, so i'll be one of those jerks who gives the all-encompassing "if you haven't done it, do it! ha ha ha" Yeah, i'm awesome, WHAT.

And finally, some pictures from when i was in St. Augustine last week.

firefly, photos, memememe

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