got to be good-looking cause he's so hard to see

Apr 08, 2005 23:15

So i went to MGM today, and in the ABC commissary, there were Lost props on display in glass cases and it was EXCITING! They had a china doll from the end of White Rabbit and the script page for that scene (the last line of the page, the end of the scene when Jack finds the coffin, is "Yeah, it's a coffin." Heh.), Boone's plane ticket (SO COOL. Even had the Oceanic envelope thingie. I wanted to steal it. And FYI, his last name is officially spelled "Carlyle".), a picture of the whole cast signed by everyone (heart!), Charlie's checkered Vans (heroin not included), and Jack's shirt (OMG!!@$!11!). They also had a frickin HUGE poster that i totally want for my room. Anyway, i didn't have my camera with me, so i'll probably go back sometime and take pictures. Because, uhm, i'm a nerd.

Lost is my younger brother's current favorite show (omg mine too!), so we had a good discussion of what we like best (Jack is actually one of his favorite characters! MINE TOO!) and how much it sucks that we have another three-week hiatus now. He also thinks Alias is pretty crappy now (ME TOO!), but we all had a hearty laugh over the melting guy from this week's episode. Ahhh. Good times.

At one of the stores with Pirates of the Caribbean and Indiana Jones merchandise, they had plastic hooks for sale. I put one on and yelled "I'M A MONSTER!" My parents watch Arrested Development, so they at least got the reference.

Did you guys see the partial solar eclipse today? We poked holes in pieces of paper and did the shadow thing, and then as we walked around, we could see the crescent shape in the light shining through tree leaves onto the buildings and stuff. It was so cool.

lost, life and times

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