relationships are like geese: they fly north in the winter.

Feb 20, 2005 03:49

Uhh, i got lazy on Wednesday and didn't post about Lost and Alias. WHOOPS. So, here are my thoughts on those, and all the other shows i've recently caught up on. And some icons.

Lost - Outlaws

That first flashback was horribly fucking depressing. Just... yeah. Poor little Sawyer. Or is it JAMES? Do you think that was his real name? I mean, i would guess so. Weird! James! I would prefer it if he were "Tom". Tom Sawyer.

"Perhaps he wanted to go camping." Sayid! Is funny! You know, there hasn't been as much Sayid/Sawyer hostility/true love lately, i kind of miss it. But i reeeeeeally liked when Sawyer was asking about the whispering- it's so unusual and enjoyable for him to show serious concern about something. It's cute. And he called Sayid "Sayid"!

The drinking game was actually really really... good. "I've never been to Disneyland. ... Oh, now that's just sad." Hee! I love how it got waaaaaay serious and sort of aggressive as it went on, too. Kate's been married! WAIT WAIT WAIT. I KNOW. Her wedding got shot up, and she swore revenge on the man who did it, who also happened to be the man she loved. She KILLED BILL.

Anyway... "spend some time with the only other person who doesn't belong"? Really, now. That's very self-centered. NONE of them belong, they're all wrapped up in their own emotional turmoil. Jerkfaces. Soooooo, is there already Kate/Sawyer drunk!sex missing scene fic? Crazy shippers, man. I don't know about them.

DUDE. SAWYER MET JACK'S DAD. When he started talking but they didn't show him, i thought "uhh... this is going to be significant, isn't it?" But i totally didn't connect the dots with the Previously. Because I NEVER DO. So i sat there with my mouth agape. It was pretty awesome. So yeah, that was depressing as fuck. Jack's dad was a total douche, but only to Jack! He was proud of him! "He's a good man, maybe even a great one." JACK! Sob. That hurts me, in my heart.

"So, we're in hell, huh?" HEH. Sawyer finding out he had been set up after he shot the guy really... sucked. For him.

I was wondering if Locke was going to be in the episode. "Just thought i'd stop by and say 'howdy'." That's how Locke gets in touch with people, he follows their trail in the jungle. And he makes friends by giving them hallucinatory drugs. :D Randomly starting to talk about his dead sister was so weird, i loved how uncomfortable Kate and Sawyer looked. But it was just so appropriate, that he would share such a personal story out of nowhere. And then, of course, it had a deep and profound meaning that gave Sawyer the guidance he needed. OF COURSE. His smile at the end was almost creepy. Locke rules.

Island zombies would be AWESOME. "The 'zed' word, don't say it!"

That end scene was PERFECT. GAAAAAAAH. "That's why the Sox'll never win the Series." First of all, the irony of that is brilliant. Not only because they're stuck on an island and have no idea (hilarious!), but because of what it says about that whole concept of fate. But yeah, Jack saying that line, and Sawyer realizing the connection... oh man, it KILLED ME. Sawyer knooooooows that Jack's dad wasn't mad at him, and Jack doesn't, and he's probably never going to know. Well, okay, i'm sure they'll bring it up again eventually because... it's a tv show. But i don't actually want Sawyer to ever tell him (and, well, it's Sawyer. COME ON!) It's more depressing this way. All that guilt and doubt for nothing. The very end of that scene, with Jack silently going back to chopping wood, and the weight of it all on us... guh. Perfect. JACK! JACK ILOVEYOU! And your quiet solitude in the forest and your not believing in fate!

I'm so glad the triangle had very, very little play in this episode (unlike what the ABC promo people would lead us to believe. they're so annoyingly obsessed with shit like that.) Except that Jack was only in two scenes. Which makes me sad. But Sawyer said "your girlfriend"! And Jack said nothing about it! He was just all "yeah, and?" HEE.

Alias - Detente

EWW AGGHH Sloane in Sydney's apartment dining with Nadia. That guy... does not get any less skeevy. I did enjoy the look on Syd's face when she walked in the door, though. The utter disgust she doesn't even bother to hide whenever she's dealing with Sloane- it's hilarious!

I like that Syd/Vaughn was a non-entity, and the most they did was, like, smile at each other. I ended up going through my s1 and 2 caps Wednesday night, reminiscing on how good they used to be and, once again, trying to figure out why they SUCK SO BAD now (and how i thought that would never happen ever and WHY GOD WHY!?!??! Only a little more than a year ago i would say to myself "You know who i love? Syd and Vaughn." every goddamn DAY. Uhhh, sad but true.) I think this may become a weekly thing, my lament of what once was.

Dixon! I love that Dixon really is back to his old self, being an actual friend to Syd.

Weiss and Vaughn monitoring Syd and Nadia was very Phase One, and also very, very amusing. "I'm sorry, it's called futbol." Oh, Weiss loooooooooves Nadia. He and Vaughn can argue over whose girlfriend kicks more ass. Dude, if they all got married, Weiss and Vaughn could legally be brothers! ... I'm just sayin'. That's kind of funny. And also a little squicky, considering they are BOYFRIENDS.

"Will you marry me, Mr. Bristow?" HAH. I love how Jack is always completely unamused by Marshall. He seriously looks like he wants to kill him. Constantly.

I really loved all the Syd/Nadia spy goodness. And Slooooooane. Syd does not let go of her grudges, does she? Well, unless you're Vaughn, in which case she just cries and pouts over you forever. Or you're Jack, in which case the conflict is ignored and you become expository for a long while until she starts getting along with you again and then finds something else to be mad at you about. Or you're Irina, in which case she JUST WANTS TO BE LOVED! So, basically, she can hold a grudge against Sloane. And maybe Sark. Everyone else she just love/hates. Oh, Sydney. You're dumb.

All the stuff on the yacht was pretty. Blue sky and blue water and pretty girls in oddly low-cut wetsuits! DRINKING ON THE JOB. Hey, that last part sounds like Blicole.

HOLY SHIT PREVIEW FOR NEXT WEEK HOLY SHIT. SARK AND ANNA! ANNA AND SARK! Dude? I have been wanting Anna to come back since FOREVER. OMG GINA. I actually read that a while ago, that she was finally coming back, but i didn't know when. And now! NOW. YES.

The OC - The Ex-Factor, The Accomplice, The Second Chance, The Lonely Hearts Club, The Test

Uhhhh, it was pretty weird how Marissa and Alex just met, and then by the next episode they had become BFFx1000! Even so, i find myself actually really really liking the lesbian storyline. I don't know, they're, like, cute! When i first heard about Marissa expanding her horizons, i didn't give a shit because, well, it's Marissa. WHO THE FUCK CARES? No one, that's who. But she acts sort of more human around Alex, so it's nice. And canon homosexuality is FUN! :D

OMG SETH/SUMMER AJGDAHGDF. First of all, i frickin loved the drawings. Little Miss Vixen! The Ironist! Kid Chino and his Fists of Fury! Cosmo Girl and her Magic Flask! Brilliance, i say. Brilliance. But dude, DUDE. When Summer was posing for him, and he was adjusting her legs, and then with the hair-tucking-behind-the-ear? Eeeeeeeee. Summer was so cute with her appreciation of the drawings. And Seth trying to teach her! And the closeness! And SOB! I miss them. I thought it was funny how Seth watching tv on the bed in between Summer and Zach was a direct mirror of Summer in between Seth and Anna last season. Soooooooo... bring back Anna and hook her up with Zach! OKAY. WORKS FOR ME. Seth riding the bus home alone killed me. Too sad. TOO SAD. I love that Summer did tell him that she and Zach didn't have sex. But now! He thinks she's over him and she thinks he's over her and they're so totally not and OH CRUEL IRONY.

"Did you sleep at all?" "Yep. Got a solid. fifteen. minutes. They say. that's all. ya need." I know it's gone out of fashion to love Seth and apparently he's annoying now or whatever, but man. I love him so much. Sooooooooo much.

SANDY. WHAT. THE FUCK. WERE YOU THINKING. I've always marveled at how refreshing it is to have Sandy and Kirsten so constant, that even though they have their fights, they always work through it and stick together. Like, wow, a relationship that actually works! OH WAIT. Fuck no, man. This storyline is just WRONG. It violates the laws of nature. Make it stop.

Are Ryan and Lindsey "taking a break", like, every other episode? It seems like i've heard them say that about twenty times.

Gilmore Girls - Wedding Bell Blues, Say Something

The 100th episode RULED. I've always kind of loved Christopher, because he and Lorelai are so similar and they're such good friends. It's one of the most tragic things about their story, that they could've worked, except EVERYTHING GOT FUCKED UP. (pretty much, repeatedly, because of Chris.) It's sort of like, every time you describe their relationship, you have to include the qualifier "if things were different...". If that makes any sense. But now? GODDAMIT CHRISTOPHER I HATE YOU. Okay, maybe that's a little harsh. But fucking with Luke/Lorelai is where i draw the line. EMILY, I'M LOOKING AT YOU TOO. "You and me, we're done." was, like, the awesomest most chilling thing ever.

Luke and Lorelai staring at each other during the ceremony? GAH. GAAAAAAH. They want to get married and have lots of babies! Oh, wait. Except now it's ALL FUCKED UP. Lorelai completely falling apart in the last episode kiiiiiiilled me. The scene with Luke at Doose's, and how Luke was so unresponsive and distant, and oh GOD, she told him she's all in, and he didn't say anything, and, and... it hurt me. And the MESSAGE she left on his machine! Oww. Owwwwwww. Paaaaaaain. The end of the episode felt so strange to me. Like, he came over to her house worried about her, and they talked, but... they're exes now. WHUH HUHH??!@#!#!(*$#(*& NOT. COOL.

The town divided with the ribbons was pretty funny, though. I do love how the 'ship is such a big deal. Stars Hollow = fandom!

HEY, Rory and Logan! They're really cuuuute. I seriously never expected to like them as much as i do, but... yeah. Here we are. The dancing and making out at the wedding and Rory finally being more headstrong was all very nice. And Logan getting yelled at by Christopher and Luke was hilarious, if also horrifying. Oh, Rory in the suit was adooooorable. Best Man! That was such a Gilmore sort of thing.

LUKE AND LORELAI! SOB! I mean, i know they'll get back together, of course, but... it's still really goddamn sad. "He could've been the one." No, IS! IS THE ONE!

Smallville - Unsafe, Pariah, Recruit, Krypto

Chloe has had SEX! With JIMMY OLSEN! That is so weird, man. And hey, thanks for the retroactive offscreen storytelling, guys! Thanks a BUNCH! I was spoiled for her finding out about Clark, but it made me happy all the same. It's just frustrating now that she knows and he doesn't know she knows. ("Joey, you can't say anything!" "Couldn't if i wanted to!") The scene at Alicia's grave was so sad. And in Recruit! "What makes you think i'm destined to do anything?" "Just a hunch." Sob! The way Chloe said that, it was just really... sweet and good.

Uh, the Clark/Alicia wedding in Vegas was pretty much the weirdest thing ever. It really sucks that Lex has about one scene an episode. LEX LUTHOR, a peripheral character? Uhhhh. And the Genevieve/Isabel blah de blah storyline bores me out of my mind.

But you know what? DOGGY! The dog is frickin adorable. I'm so glad they didn't actually end up naming him "Krypto", because that's about the DUMBEST FUCKING DOG NAME EVER. Shelby is much better. Clark is retarded. But very cute with his puppy! Because, let's face it, Clark essentially is a puppy.

lost, the oc, alias, smallville, gilmore girls

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