it was infinitely late at night

Dec 08, 2004 23:01

So, uhm, HOLY FUCK i thought Charlie was dead. That was traumatic. When they first found him (AGH CREEPY) i didn't actually think he was hanging by his NECK. But he WAS. And Kate losing it while Jack was trying to bring him back was so, so sad, but the whole time i was saying "WAIT... WHAT? WHAAAT? THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING" etc etc. I couldn't even get emotional until after he was okay because i was absolutely dumbstruck. They did a fucking good job of convincing me. Actually, exactly like when Sloane "died". Hey!

OMG JACK. Being a real doctor! JACK! ILOVEYOU. Oh, he was so sad in the flashbacks. So sad and pretty. I'm so glad we found out what it was he did. And finding out that the woman was pregnant, and that's why he's going crazy trying to find Claire? Oh, Jack. I know why the plane crashed! BECAUSE OF ALL YOUR EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE. I loved him being a snotty bastard to everyone when they went searching for Charlie and Claire, that cracked me up. Such a temperamental adolescent. If he were Harry Potter, he would be speaking in all-caps. I do enjoy it when the heroes are whiny jerks. The hilarity! :D

I just have to say, i love that the episode is titled "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues". LOVE.

Err, when Jack wanted Kate to give him something real, i kind of thought, uhm, that she should kiss him and then say "that was real." HAHAHAHAHAA ISN'T THAT THE CHEESIEST THING EVER? I love them. It was SO CUTE when she found him all beaten up in the mud. The concerned face-touching! I had seen the spoiler picture, but still... eeeeeeeeee. And when they were both so devastated over Charlie, and then so happy when he woke up! Aaaaaaaadorable.

Locke and Boone were so funnyyyyyy together. When Locke asked him what he did, i actually said "I RUN A BUSINESS!", and then he said exactly that. HAH. A wedding business? Oh, Boone. And Locke working at a box company! And Boone talking about Star Trek! "Sounds like a piss-poor captain." Comedy gold, my friends. And Hurley and Walt playing backgammon, GREATNESS. "You owe me twenty thousand dollars!" SAWYER CALLED WALT TATTOO. AHAHAHHAHA. The only reason i got that is because of I Love the '70s, but still. Awesome.

Uhm, WHERE IS CLAIRE?!??!##**&^!( Man, i hope she's okay. I dooooon't want her to die. I keep thinking that all this baby business has something to do with the French lady's baby, too. Maybe there's a secret cult on the island that EATS BABIES. I was a little worried there at the end that Locke would turn out to be evil and lead Boone to the evil cult of island evilness, so... i'm glad that didn't happen.

Waiting a whole month for a new episode is gonna SUCK. NOOOOOOO. What will i do? Where will i go? I will wander the streets wailing "Jaaaaaaaack. JAAAAAAAACK. KAAAAAAAAATE. ISLAND ORGIIIIIIIIIIIIES." I love Christmas break, but i hate that there are NO NEW SHOWS FOREVER. Sob. And when it comes back, Alias will be on afterward! That ruins everything. My entire Wednesday night will be shot, and i won't get to solely obsess over Lost anymore. Stupid Alias.

The commercial for the pilot next week made me happy, though. Jack and Kate smiling by the fire, AWW. I love the pilot. It always reminds me that i used to think Jack and Kate were lame.

The other day i also got caught up on The OC.

Uh, it's like, weird that all four kids have new relationships now. When i read about that before the season, i did not like that idea, and i still kind of don't. Hey, let's cram in four new people, ALL AT ONCE! Ryan and Lindsay are cute (aw, bashful Ryan!), i just got annoyed with her being bitchy about everything. Seth and Alex are cute, too, i like that she gives him a hard time (like, uhh, SUMMER. And ANNA.) I liked Zach when Seth first met and fell in love with him, but then he got boring. Basically, i still ship Seth and Summer, a lot, and i don't want them to move on. Sob. DJ is, uh, really awful, but at least now Marissa's not paired with a character that's better than her (and dude, we go away for the summer, and now Marissa is SEW TRAJICKLY IN LUV WITH THE LAWN BOY THEY R STAR-KROSSED!!1 I'll just be over here gagging on my own vomit. Gavomiting. Thanks.) The lawn boy on Desperate Housewives is much much much more appealing, i can tell you.

Anyway, with the show gone for so long, i had almost kind of forgotten how much i love Seth and Ryan and Sandy and Kirsten. Aw. Seth and Ryan's banter is now possibly better than ever. And i freakin' love Julie and Jimmy. With all the divorce stuff behind them, they just sort of get along while still being good-naturedly catty with each other. It's CUTE. There were very few times when they were together (like... one, that i can remember) when they just talked normally and you could see why they got married.

And last week's Gilmore Girls (i still haven't seen yesterday's!): Luke and Lorelai's fight was pretty lame. I mean, i guess i'm glad they made up, but... it happened right away. No tension, man. Oh, but i did like the part where she brought up the horoscope, that was a low blow.

Logan's prank was hilarious, and Rory and Grandpa's retaliation was eeeeeeeeven better. The look on Logan's face at the end was great. And: "I'm sorry, butt-faced miscreant?"

Hey guess what? MAAAAAARTYYYY! He's so in love with Rory, the poor guy. I loved when he snapped at her for being naive. And... MARTY! In a scarf! Being adorable! Some more! I, uhm... love him. I'm so torn, because i just know Rory's going to end up with Logan (duh, main new guy this season. Kind of obvious.), and that's good! Because i like Logan a lot and he and Rory are so pretty and cute together! But... i love Marty. And i don't want him to be crushed. And he's adorable with Rory, too. AGGHH. It's not fair. Not fair at all. We go from having two Rory love interests i don't particularly care about, to two that i care a LOT about. That is rather uneven, i'd say.

Paris and Doyle were SO FUNNY. I'm glad they hooked up, they're a good match. And it's a hell of a lot better storyline than ASHER. Ugh.

HEY GUESS WHAT? I finally saw some episodes of Party of Five! For the first time ever! JOY! Basically i went "CHARLIEEEEEEE!!#*!#&*" the whole time, but uhhh... anyway. It's a sweet show. So nineties, it's adorable. I love that intro, man. I know i'm like, just discovering what everyone already knew about a billion years ago and i really suck and i'm sorry, but, Charlie Salinger? PLEASE MARRY ME. No, seriously. HOLY CRAP, how is Matthew Fox SO GODDAMN PRETTY IT HURTS ME? asddfgjhkjgksjdgh. I'm all "Jack! Charlie! Charlie? Jack?" and it's blowing my mind a little bit.


Err, if you really feel like giving me something for Christmas? Just, if you have some generosity to spare. Party of Five season one (i've only been able to find a feeew episodes! and i neeeeeed it!) and/or Haunted, in any form, just so i can see them, that'd be AWESOME. Also- Jack/Kate fic. I would love you FOREVERx10. I would do that wishlist meme, but those are my only wishes. I can give icons and collages in return! Possibly even sexual favors, who knows!

lost, the oc, gilmore girls

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