I'm fine, it's just a broken shoulder.

Nov 21, 2004 13:44

Several days ago, lasheremaleth linked to a general Lost music video that i just got around to watching last night. Dude. DUDE. It rocks. Seriously... yeah. It made me incredibly, incredibly happy. There are never enough good vids for fandoms i'm crazy about, especially not with music i like (you guuuuuuys, when i listen to cds i make music videos IN MY HEAD! It's... kind of sad.) So anyway, the vid is "Karma Slave" in the videos section here. Trust me, it's awesome. I frickin LOVE how the love square is included. (that's right, TARA! Love square RULES! IN YOUR FACE!)

Also last night, i finally watched Matthew Fox's appearance on Ellen, and OH MY GOD. I knew the skit at the end was going to be hilarious, but i didn't really know, you know? It was just... i died, a little bit. In case i'm not the last person in the world to see it, go. Watch. Now.

Lost makes me happy.

Uhm, i'm procrastinating! Please make me stop!


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