Dude, Where's My Ring?

Dec 18, 2003 03:03

Hey, did you know there's this movie out that, like, everyone is talking about? Whuuuuh? Yeah, apparently there's some king, like, returning or something.

AHAHAHA. Yeah. Ahhhh, what to say, what to say. Dude, i don't even feel like commenting on it. It's just one big ball of awesome, and there's no escaping it! But i will comment anyway, because that is what i do.

-Loooooved the Smeagol intro. The murder was so wonderfully creepy, the way it was set in such a happy sunshiney place. It was very cool to see more of the Gollum backstory played out, because it really is creepy and depressing, and i love how his story is such a basic but essential demonstration of what the ring does.

-Minas Tirith rocked. It was close to how i imagined it, but not exact. They made Denethor a horrible bastard, didn't they? He was nicer in the book, more hopeless and not completely evil-like. Although he still didn't get along with Gandalf and ended up setting himself on fire like a psycho.

-Pippin singing (!!) and the beginning of the battle was an amazing sequence. So sad and preeeetty.

-EOWYN!! Shit yeah. I liked her well enough in TTT, but when i read this book she became, like, my hero. And it's cool, because main female characters? Uhh, what main female characters? But no, her and Merry destroying the Wraith-King is one of my absolute favorite parts, if not my VERY favorite part. "I am no man." HELL. YEAH. I loved how she was disguised and then revealed in the book (i was so excited, cause it just kicked so much ass that she disguised herself as a Rider and then you didn't find out until the battle), but i guess it would be a little harder for us to not recognize her, it being a movie and all. I'm disappointed we didn't get to see everything between her and Faramir, because it provided a needed resolution to her unrequited love for Aragorn, but... helloooo extended edition.

-It still bugs me that they've put Arwen in when it's really unnecessary (and thus cut out things that actually happened in the books), but... the shot of her when she's with the shards of Narsil was gooooorgeous. Not to mention, oh, EVERY OTHER SHOT EVER. Caaaaaps. Want caaaaaps.

-Oh, Legolas. You are the most badass, pretty elf that there ever was, and i love you. Why must you be so annoyingly popular? Damn yooooou teeny-boppers! DAAMN YOOOU! Dude, the oliphaunt ass-kicking. That was the most ridiculously, unbelievably, gratuitously COOL thing. (although, i think jumping on the horse in TTT gets my vote for coolest. thing. evaaaar.) GAAH. Legolas gets to do all the showy stuff. Cause he's an elf. And elves rock. YES THEY DO. Such snobby, superior bitches, but man, they've got superpowers. And they're sparkley.

-Frodo and Sam absolutely break my wee little heart. Everything in Mordor is just so desperate and bleak and horrible and depressing, even knowing that they make it, i still cried. Seriously, when Frodo puts on the ring in Mt. Doom- it's so dark, and it freaks me out, but i love it.

-The Fellowship reuniting at Frodo's bedside was so pretty, and it was that kind of huge happiness that makes you sad, ya know? Yeah. I love the Fellowship. *sniffle* THEIRLOVEISSODIVERSE!

-The way it all ends isn't my favorite part, just because it's SO happy, and i hadn't been expecting that (i tooootally thought more main characters would die), but i still liked it. It was disconcerting having them come back to the Shire and everything being just like they left it, because in the book it was destroyed and it made the homecoming a lot sadder, but i can understand leaving that out just to move the ending along. (even so, i had liked how restoring the Shire showed how much the hobbits had grown, and it resolved the Saruman storyline.) Sam finally going up to Rosie in the pub was freakin' ADORABLE. And, of course, Frodo leaving was so saaaad. Sam and Frodo really need to stop looking like they're going to kiss every ten seconds, though. It's very distracting.

Annnnnd i left out a bunch of good stuff, and i have more thoughts, but all it really consists of is OMG ARAGORN! GANDAAAALF! LEGOLAS! FRODO! SAM! PIPPIN! MERRY! GOLLUM! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S OVER I NEED TO SEE IT AGAIN RIGHT NOW AGDJHVFJSFABAKFN!!! It kind of distracts when i've just read the book and can pick out every. little. thing. that they've changed, but i kind of like that as well, because it's so much cooler recognizing the details that they've stayed faithful to. Besides, i'm glad i read the books, because it's really nice knowing where they are and what they're talking about (i cannot imagine seeing these and hearing them say crap like Osgiliath and Cirith Ungol and Isengard and wondering what the HELL is going on).

Hmm. Well, i really don't have some profound conclusion to all this babbling, aside from "i'm seeing it again in a couple days! HOO-AH!" It rocked. The Ring-love, it is good.

And oooooh, you knew it was coming. Icons! Ya know, these are my first LotR icons ever. Cause i haven't been in a kick since i got my lj. Never fear, all is now right with the world. The Frodo one is one of my favorite shots (erm, besides all those other ones). Eyelashes! And then there's Lando, cause he's purdy. And then there's Aragorn, with an Army of Darkness reference that MUST have been used before, but it's just too perfect to pass up. HEH.

movies, lotr

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