caught in a landslide

Nov 08, 2003 23:36

DUDE. I was listening to the radio today and heard the promo for ABC'S Sunday night lineup, and OMG: so promo guy is all blah blah-ing about ex-lovers and Vaughn risking his marriage (yeah. because they're totally gonna get a divorce this soon. I WISH.) and then this happens: Syd- "Why are you doing this?" Vaughn- blah blah something about some things have changed, but some things haven't; "I'm not gonna lose you twice." !!!!!!!!!! HOLY-- WHAT THE-- MEWRJHEJGFHG!!!! EEEEE!! NOW KISS ALREADY!! Seriously. Dude. SO. IN. LOVE. But yeah, that line's been running through my head all day, along with happy shippy thoughts. The episode better not disappoint, 'cause that dialogue just raised my expectations about tenfold.

I also realized something probably really obvious about the ending of Revolutions: when the black cat showed up, i was all "whuuh? That's a symbol for something, but i don't get it." Then, last night it finally hit me, with all the other callbacks to the first movie, that had to have been a reference to the black cat deja vu. Since a deja vu happens when they change something in the matrix, i'm guessing it was a sign that something has changed. Even though it wasn't a repeat-y sort of glitch like it was in the first one, it's still a sort of "deja vu all over again" kind of thing. And there are other deja vu-TYPE things that happen that could also be more signs of The Change, like the shot of Neo looking out the car window exactly like in the first one, and Smith toward the end of the final fight saying "I remember this; you, there; and i say..." blah blah- he remembers, like deja vu. INTERESTING. I'm going to see it again tomorrow (in IMAX! woo), so i want to pay attention to some of the littler things. And yeah, it's kind of weird that i didn't like it completely, but still want to see it again... but i want to solidify my opinion of it more. Plus, look at cool special effects and pretty shots.

Man, i wish i could post a new icon, or make new icons, but i'm home and won't be back to my own computer till, like, Tuesday. Egads! Withdrawal... overwhelming...

movies, alias

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