knifin' around

Jun 10, 2013 02:29

I'm kind of surprised that was such a talky/character-centric episode, but it makes sense that it would mostly be setup for next season since we're only about halfway through the book, and the penultimate episodes tend to be the ones with the HOLY SHIT developments.


ARYAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I got super emotional about her first kill in A Clash of Kings, and i felt the same way here even though this was under very different circumstances. Her helpless child act was AMAZING because it was the first time we've seen her be so mercilessly calculating. I have a lot of feelings about her development into an assassin. ;_______; The most brutal puberty of all. ;_______; (one thing i keep worrying about for the future is: if she ultimately learns how to change her face like Jaqen, does that mean at some point Arya is going to be played by someone other than Maisie Williams??!??!! i don't ever want that day to come :( )

ASHA!!!!!!!!! I NEVER WANT TO CALL HER YARA BECAUSE ASHA IS A BETTER NAME!!!!!!!!!!!! ASHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't think she'd ever really get to a point of helping Theon, but dude's in a bad way right now and her taking up a rescue mission for her obnoxious little brother is SO RAD.

BRAN AND SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I figured that would happen but it was still so thrilling. When Jojen and Meera cut off Bran from answering that Jon is his brother i got SO PISSED, so i was super relieved and happy when Sam figured it out anyway. Everybody is always in the dark about so much of what else is going on in the world, it was really refreshing to see actual information being shared.

I really, really loved Bran's ghost story. <3 spooky campfire tales <3 (and Bran's fondness for Old Nan's scary stories ;_______;) The implication that there is some comeuppance in store for Walder Frey is deeeeelightful.

Shiiiiiit Joffrey. :O Ever since s1 i've felt like he's just never gonna die, but i'm hoping that maybe he's getting to a point of being too uncontrollable and pissing off the wrong people that he's outlived his usefulness. TIME FOR THE REIGN OF KING TOMMEN!

The Jon/Ygritte scene was brutally heartbreaking. I didn't care for their schmoopy relationship stuff, but her shooting and nearly killing him with arrows for leaving her is like... damn. That is amazing. And his laugh-crying at "you know nothing, Jon Snow." IT WAS ALL SO SAD. That made me care more about them than any of their making out ever did. YGRITTE ;________;

DAAAAAAAVOOOOOOOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEARNING TO READ IS A LIFESAVER!!!!! I never expected much from Stannis so it's weird that he's coming out sort of on top (or at least, alive) in the war so far. And holy shit finally more people are aware of the threat in the north!!! And actually intending to do something about it!!!

Between Davos and Gendry, Bran and Sam, and Jaime returning to King's Landing, it was really weird to see characters from separate storylines cross paths. Jaime and Cersei seeing each other again though, ACK. WHAT THE HECK HAPPENS TO JAIME AND BRIENNE'S EXCELLENT ADVENTURES NOW?!???! Brienne's little smile at him when they entered King's Landing, noooooooo ;______;

I loved Sansa joking around with Tyrion, WOW that was cute. I want them to be friends (suddenly really desperately?!) but i'm afraid things are gonna get really ugly, especially with him being forced to put a baby in her. :( Their wedding was like the one episode i didn't post about this season, but the scene of her getting undressed was the most heartbreaking thing i've ever seen.

Shae's love for Sansa is wonderful but other than that i'm really tired of Shae just being put in the role of jealous/inconvenient girlfriend. I wish there were somewhere for that storyline to go, it's become so annoyingly redundant. I only ever wanted Tyrion and Shae to be Sansa's King's Landing parents AND NOW LOOK HOW WEIRD IT'S GOTTEN. D:

When Dany was talking to the people at the end, i was thinking "if this turns into some crowd-surfing shit i'm done" and LO AND BEHOLD. The very last shot was gorgeous but man that whole thing was really awkwardly cheesy and... not good. :/ I'm not digging Dany, freer of slaves. :/ Especially since i just rewatched the s1 finale with a friend who's watching for the first time* and i looooooved Mirri Maz Duur's "tell me again exactly what it was that you saved?" speech. I love the dragons so i'm sad that Dany herself has lost a lot of her appeal to me.

SUCKS THAT THE SEASON IS ALREADY OVER, it always goes by so fast. But i finally got s1 and 2 on blu-ray for my birthday, so now it's time for a rewatch! :D

*she was talking about how it sucks that Catelyn had to make all those promises to Walder Frey and i'm sitting there thinking "hahahahahahaha you have no idea how much it sucks hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa." Now i know how all the book people have felt all this time. It's like a constant Lemony Snicket narrative. STOP. NO GOOD WILL COME OF THIS STORY. EVERYTHING IS AWFUL. TURN BACK NOW.

game of thrones

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