I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.

Apr 07, 2012 00:34





Honestly, i was dreading this episode so much all week, and i was so convinced that this was exactly what was going to happen, i just kind of sat there and laughed the whole time as it came true. They even almost convinced me that i was wrong when Redverse Lincoln got shot but DIDN'T die immediately, so i was like "wait, did they back off? are they not gonna kill him even though that is so obviously what this entire episode has been leading up to?" but then they killed him and order was restored. Of all the things that piss me off about this though, THEY COULDN'T EVEN GIVE HIM AN ON-SCREEN DEATH AND A GOODBYE TO ALTLIVIA? Our original Lincoln doesn't even warrant that much of a send-off? WELL FUUUUUCK YOOOOOU

UGH and all the Lincoln/Altlivia/Alt-Lincoln stuff was delightful, TYRONE and BATMAN and ALTLIVIA CALLING THEM GIRLS and aauugghghhghgh whyyyyyyyy and now i'm thinking about how CHARLIE WASN'T EVEN THERE SO HE DOESN'T KNOW and why why why did they have to fuck up the Redverse team, WHYYYYYY, THEY WERE THE GREATEST

I didn't like how standoffish and Cool Guy they made Redverse Lincoln here; i mean obviously he's been like that with Blueverse Lincoln both times they've met and isn't his normal self like he is with Altlivia, but even so i feel like it's disingenuous just to play up the differences between the two Lincolns when COME ON, REDVERSE LINCOLN IS A DOOF. Like since Blueverse Lincoln is the important one now, Redverse Lincoln's characterization doesn't matter so they just shunted him off to the side before he was even dead. The two of them comparing their lives was cute though.

Altlivia going through Lincoln's locker was TORTUROUS. THOSE PICTURES, aaauuuggghhgghghghghhhh, nooooooooooooooooooooo. Altliviaaaaaaaaa ;______; I could barely even be sad at the time i was just so infuriated that this shit came true, but now it's actually setting in more that LINCOLN IS DEAD. And even though the entire timeline is different this season so technically this isn't even the Lincoln of s3 that i was invested in, I AM SO FRIGGIN SAD THAT ALTLIVIA/LINCOLN NEVER HAPPENED. THEY'RE THE WHOLE REASON I CARED ABOUT LINCOLN AT ALL IN THE FIRST PLACE AND ALL I EVER WANTED WAS TO SEE THEM MAKE OUT AND STUPID BLUEVERSE LINCOLN ISN'T THE SAME. I was hoping that Altlivia's "turns out i like the nice guys" in the Astrid ep really was an indicator that Altlivia/Lincoln had hooked up and this episode would at least have them together or some dumb happy bedroom scene before they unceremoniously killed him off, but nooooooooope. The things i actually want to happen don't come true. >:(

I wanted more time between Astrid and Lincoln BECAUSE I LIKE THEIR FACES TOGETHER, but hahaaaa screentime for Astrid, what's that

The Native American appropriative bullshit symbol was the worst. I AM ADRIFT IN A SEA OF BAD CHOICES

I will warm up to our last remaining Lincoln more if he stops shaving his face, because one of the things i miss most about s3 Lincoln is that he was always scruffy and super attractive that way and i miss it. :( I'm shallow. :(

Dude had we seen MOVING NEWSPAPER PICTURES in Redverse before? Because now they're just pulling straight-up wizard shit, what the hell.

Sharpshooter Altlivia, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :D :D :D Because of the whole Batman conversation i'm now thinking, oh my god, Olivia totally loved Barbara Gordon when she was a kid, so seeing her redheaded self is like in another universe she grew up to be Barbara, and remember when Olivia and Altlivia had scenes together and it was actually possible to ship them and I MISS IT, I MISS EVERYTHING THAT WAS PURE AND GOOD IN THE WORLD

IDK if i should admit this because it's embarrassing, but in the past couple months i've been really distressed about the Lincoln situation and i had several dreams about it, including one in which Blueverse Lincoln died and i was unsurprised (this was like a month ago), so i guess i've been worried for a while that they would kill one of them off. I just wish they had picked THE OTHER ONE. >:( lol now i am just gonna resent Blueverse Lincoln apparently. After i stopped being bored by him, he was really endearing as Olivia's partner at the beginning of the season but now i'm just like, ugh, this guy. WHY DID THIS WHOLE THING HAVE TO PLAY OUT IN THE MOST ANNOYING AND UNSUBTLE WAY POSSIBLE? THIS SEASON HAS RUINED EVERYTHING AND I HAD SUCH HIGH HOPES BEFORE IT STARTED AND NOW I WANT TO PUNCH EVERYBODY IN THE FACE

okay i'm just gonna stare at this gif for the rest of my life



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