with fingernails that shine like justice

Mar 02, 2012 01:18

oh whoops meant to post this last weekend but instead just got really into The Voice. LOLLLLLLL it is literally 100% Jenn's fault but dang that show is straight-up delightful. EVERYONE IS SO ADORABLE. Ugh, i think i'm probably watching the most reality shows i've ever watched at this point, because old reliable Amazing Race and Survivor are back right now, and in the past year or so my parents have gotten me into a bunch of the History Channel/A&E/Discovery Channel stuff. I was waaayyyyy into Storage Wars a little while ago but now that that's in reruns i'm into the Gold Rush/Bering Sea Gold lineup on Friday nights. There is something so soothing about mindless reality entertainment.

Also currently jamming my way through all the HIMYM i've missed in the past year. I still do find it enjoyable to watch in big chunks. I've always had such a hard time keeping up with it when i don't watch it live because it's one of those things that i either forget or just am not motivated enough to seek out online since most of the episodes aren't quite entertaining enough on an individual basis anymore, but in marathon form i just watch a few eps a night and i can get into it that way. Anyway Ted/Robin has ruined my life and i hate everything.


Okay that was awesome. OLIVIA SUPERPOWERING MORE THAN SHE'S EVER SUPERPOWERED BEFORE AWW YESSSSSSS. SO BADASS. I actually really enjoyed Olivia/Peter here because their breakout at the end was just about them being badass partners doing really desperate things to save each other. The schmoopy happy i-love-you stuff is where it breaks down for me, which is what always tends to be the thing that works least for me on dramatic/action-driven shows (i'm sorrryyyyyyy it's just that in this context i enjoy mortal peril and reciprocal heroism more than smiling at each other while whispering sweet nothings. :( I GET WEIRD ABOUT SCHMOOPY STUFF, i am a lot pickier about that type of thing and even with ships i love it can fall flat really really easily for me.)

I figured captive Nina was the evil one! Actually here's the thing: i was super slow to catch on to last week's cliffhanger, because my initial thought was it was still the same evil Nina that Lincoln and Broyles were interrogating and she was just pretending to be captive and endangered. And then afterward i was like "oooohhhhhh was Massive Dynamic Nina a shapeshifter?" and then even later "oooohhhhh wait one of them would have to be dead for that to be shapeshifter, it was ALT-NINA!!!!" So yeah, that all went completely over my head. It's just that meeting alt-Nina had taken so long that it stopped even seeming like a possibility to me and the thought dropped out of my head entirely. But anyway in this episode the real world Nina still seemed so confused about what Broyles and Lincoln were asking her about, and captive Nina was in a perfect position to be faking and to lie to Olivia about things she didn't remember. When all is said and done i'm pretty excited that alt-Nina finally exists and Olivia's Nina isn't evil after all, but i still need a lot more information about both Ninas.

I'm glad that overwriting Amberverse Olivia was brought up as a serious concern again, but man i still have no idea where they're going with this. Peter has an original timeline to get back to! Wait, no he doesn't! Hold on, yes he does! I HATE NOT KNOWING IF THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE OUR OLIVIA OR NOT. (which obviously is an effective way to put the audience in Peter's position, BUT STILL.) It's a very weird feeling, because it's not like i care about her any less, i'm just... not sure what level of fuckery is being committed against which version of her. ???

September is the best and i'm sad he's dying/dead/whatever-the-fuck. :( I loveeeeeeeeddddd the Observer explanation, as it was an actual tangible answer that didn't retroactively ruin anything and was perfectly in line with everything we know on the show. OF COURSE they're evolved humans from a distant branch of the future. OF COURSE they're freaking HISTORY TOURISTS. safhksdfg i loooveeee iiiittttt. That whole scene of Peter and September was really awesome. And while it is super wanky to be like "lol we wrote the baby off the show" Peter finding out he'd had a son was still pretty gutpunching. He was so happy and then so crushed in the space of like a second. Could've done without the Olivia/Peter destiny junk though. Fuck destiny >:(

fringe, himym

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