captain tightpants

Jul 23, 2011 01:02

Maaaaaan, the WWII style of this thing was ACES. It sort of felt like The Rocketeer, a little bit, which incidentally was one of my favorite movies as a kid. That Chris Evans sure has a nice face! And a nice... rest of his body! Based on the trailer i was unconvinced by the little-Steve head-pasting, but it looked better in the movie. There were some shots that were totally realistic and other shots where it still looked wrong, but the character development during that part of the movie made up for the visual distraction. I feel like his heroism was really well-earned in the time it took for him to become superpowered. I've said it before, but i really love wholesome heroes who are entirely kind-hearted and selfless and brave, so this shit pretty much hit me squarely in the chest. SUCH A GOOD DUDE. I got teary when he threw himself on the grenade. ;____; And the flagpole bit was excellent. STEVE ROGERS: SASSY AS I WANNA BE

I loved loved loved his costume, which i already did from the preview pictures but still... i hope it stays as cool as this. I have no idea if it's getting some kind of modern update but i would be perfectly content if it remained the same. It has a great ruggedly utilitarian quality while being iconic without being ridiculous. BASICALLY IT'S BADASS. Even the early version was great once he went out on that first mission with the bomber jacket and the helmet with the aviator goggles... aahhh so good.

~*~PEGGY CARTER~*~ She was SO RAD aaahhhhh punching dudes and chasing bad guys and sharpshooting and being a serious lady aaaahhhhhh. And her hair and makeup and uniform ohhhh golly gosh. *_____* But ugh, i don't want to be a buzzkill but i'm going to do it anyway since i can't stop buzzkilling MYSELF by how tired i am of the role of female characters in superhero movies, and i wish i could overcome that and only focus on the good but it has just really started to wear on me. Like it's not even specifically this movie, it's the overall pattern. Because regardless of how awesome the character is, regardless of how important she is or how much her actions and emotions are relevant, i am still always acutely aware that it is not her story. And i don't want to sound like i'm disregarding the female characters we do get -- i always latch onto them and Peggy was exceptionally great -- it's just... never... enough. Maybe i just feel extra worn down about it because there are no female superhero movies, to the point where i can't even picture what that would be like in the current movie climate. And then i started imagining a Batgirl movie and then i got really, really sad. I HOPE ONE DAY HOLLYWOOD RUNS OUT OF ITS ENDLESS SUPPLY OF OBSCURE MALE SUPERHEROES AND IS SO DESPERATE THAT IT FINALLY HAS TO RESORT TO LADY SUPERHEROES. YOU KNOW, SOMEDAY. WHEN I'M 90 YEARS OLD.

Buuuuuuuut anyway back to the movie itself: UGH I GOT SO CHOKED UP AT THE END WHEN STEVE WAS BRINGING THE PLANE DOWN AND TALKING TO PEGGY. The picture of her that he kept with him killed my soul (her reaction when she saw that on film! awwwww). And i mean, i knew the ending to this was gonna be sad since what it inevitably has to be is: every single one of these characters you grew to love ends up dead. But it was still SO SAD. Especially Steve's last line. ;_________; And the fact that in the final moment we see Peggy she's looking at a picture of original Steve, the Steve he truly was and never stopped being despite becoming superpowered, and nbd i'm just gonna go weep silently for a little while.

I totally loved that this felt like a prequel to both Iron Man and Thor. It incorporated those elements so well, and i'm especially impressed with how Marvel has integrated the ~magic~ aspect into its canon. I was totally skeptical about Thor and how goofy it would seem as a part of the same rigidly technological universe of Iron Man, but i think the whole "magic = science" angle has overcome that pretty nicely. Also re: Iron Man, it was nice to see more of Stark Expo and Howard (and this Howard looks sooooo much more like RDJ than John Slattery, as much as i love John Slattery) and the thing that cracked me up the most was imagining Cap with his Star-Spangled dancers vs. Tony with his Iron Man dancers. IN ANY CASE, jeez louise i wish DC had this level of solid continuity in its movieverse. I mean, the Marvel stuff is a pretty ruthlessly scheduled crossover scheme to get to the Avengers (from which i think Iron Man 2 suffered the most, in that it sort of became more of an Avengers set-up movie than an actual Iron Man movie) but that level of planning also yields a nicely cohesive overarching universe. DC just looks lazy in comparison. And actually what Marvel is doing reminds me a lot more of the DCAU, WHICH IS PERFECT and it'd be nice if the DC movieverse would take some cues from Bruce Timm.

I thought that Avengers teaser was pretty cool! I really don't want to see Loki as a mustache-twirling big bad, but otherwise it's always pretty exciting to see individual superheroes come together. And i was really excited to get a glimpse of Cobie Smulders, aaaahhhh *_____* which reminds me i haven't watched HIMYM in like a whole season, which sucks but i have absolutely no motivation to catch up considering nobody even likes that show anymore. :/


AS FOR TRAILERS, that Mission: Impossible one was actually... awesome?!? I know it's been online for a while but this was the first time i'd seen it and oh man LOTS OF SIMON PEGG, always a good thing. Plus Josh Holloway, what!! I mean Sawyer was never my favorite Lost character or anything but it's still really exciting to see him as a ~big screen action star~! RAAAAAD. It's totally bizarre to think that the first M:I movie came out when i was in middle school. 15 YEARS AGO. When i still thought Tom Cruise was attractive, before he became a mess! And i hated the second movie but the third one was cool because it was pretty much Alias: The Movie. :D OH, JJ

Spider-Man: HEY REMEMBER WHEN THE FIRST MOVIE CAME OUT AND SPIDER-MAN WAS MY FAVORITE SUPERHERO??? aww. I've gotten over those movies but i still have a soft spot for my Spidey obsession. So this partly looks cool, but at the same time the prospect of seeing his origin AGAIN bores the shit out of me. :/ And i love origin stories! Just... not ones i've seen a million times... that are executed in exactly the same way... I also have absolutely no need for a ~gritty~ Spider-Man because UGH, YOU GUYS, IT'S FUCKING SPIDER-MAN, HE ISN'T MEANT TO BE GRITTY. But eh, still looks like it could be good, sure, whatever.

Oh hey while i'm at it, i never mentioned the Dark Knight Rises teaser in my Harry Potter post. IT SUCKED. No but seriously, beforehand i'd seen a few people with totally unenthused reactions but i was still excited about it, and then it just ended up annoying me because WHY BOTHER SHOWING A TEASER IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO SHOW ANYTHING INTERESTING, STOP WASTING MY TIME, AND BANE: WHO GIVES A FUCK. Fucking teasers, man. More like "annoyers".

MOVIES, am i right!


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