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leucocrystal July 14 2011, 04:40:09 UTC

I was just trying to sell someone on BB the other day, and they just were not having it, and I'm like DUDE, you just. DO NOT. UNDERSTAND. TAKE MY WORD ON THIS.

Blah blah blah, this show is a destroyer of worlds and instigator of heart attacks, you now know how that goes very intimately, lmao. I honestly have never been so enthralled and absorbed and PANICKED about a sequence of TV the way the I was by the climax of "One Minute", dude. Hands over mouth (nothing new with BB, to be sure), NOT BREATHING, wanting it to be over so I could die, yet subconsciously being aware, the entire time, "I have never seen a sequence like this on TV, ever, oh my GOD". That is what this show encapsulates to me. (I can say the same thing about "Fly", in a completely different light, while we're at it. I had to ramble on for practically an entire post about that goddamn episode.)

ANYWAY, I want to respond to basically EVERYTHING in this post, omg I never have anyone to talk BB with (though that is slowwwwwwwly changing), and it KILLS me, because this show just makes me want to burst with babbling about how insanely, untouchably great it is.

I get you re: Walt/Jesse, though, they have such a bizarre dynamic. In a way, though, I'm not TOO bothered by it (though I love instances like "4 Days Out" and "Fly" when they're forced together by circumstance and they can be more in sync), because Walt's journey truly is, as Vince Gilligan continues to say, about "turning Mr. Chips into Scarface". He's got the barest bit of anyone's sympathy left (if that's even the right word), and it's only going to continue to be whittled away. Meanwhile, Jesse has his own deep faults, but I feel like the only thing that can possibly save him from being completely dragged down by Walt into this black hole of terrible, is that slight bit of distance that's left between them.


One of the things i like most about this show is that everything has serious, lasting consequences. That was the thing that impressed me most in the beginning, that shit never just goes away, it only piles up and comes back around.
Oh god, YES. I've been rewatching the entire series, because AMC has been rerunning it all leading up to the S4 premiere (!!! HOLD ME), and holy shit, Marina, THIS. A THOUSAND TIMES THIS. I've loved this from the beginning. Rewatching the Pilot solidified it for me. Literally 30 seconds into the very. first. episode, what does Walt do? He takes off a safety mask (and you don't even know WHY he's wearing one yet), and carelessly tosses it aside in his panic. As TV viewers, we're trained not to even think twice about it. But when what happens later? OH SHIT, someone finds it. OH CRAP, Hank finds out where it came from. OH JESUS, stuff is missing from the school lab! And on and on from there.

TL;DR at this point you can't argue me out of my "Vince Gilligan beats all other showrunners into a pulp right now" corner. Also:


spectralbovine July 14 2011, 15:13:40 UTC
omg I never have anyone to talk BB with (though that is slowwwwwwwly changing), and it KILLS me, because this show just makes me want to burst with babbling about how insanely, untouchably great it is.
You! You, also, please come read my lonely Breaking Bad post. LET'S TALK ABOUT HOW AMAZING IT IS.

I love "4 Days Out," but, ergh, "Fly" didn't really do it for me, unfortunately. I could kind of see what they were going for, and oh my Goooooood, SO CLOSE TO TELLING HIM ABOUT JANE, but, overall, IT'S A FLY LET IT GO OMG. (It was sad because that was like the first and only episode that I had even close to negative feelings about.)


leucocrystal July 14 2011, 23:44:10 UTC
Haha, I'll have to disagree with you there, I'm afraid. I loved "Fly" so much I wrote a post rambling all about it, lol. It's a metaphor! It shows just how ridiculously obsessive over pointless things Walt gets when he's got absolutely no control over the rest of his life, lol. Also, it's easily the best bottle episode I've ever seen. BUT I DIGRESS.


spectralbovine July 14 2011, 23:59:30 UTC
I know it was a metaphor! I got that pretty quickly! And then it was forty-five minutes of IT'S A METAPHOR. Heh. It's obviously a polarizing episode.

I'd be interested in reading your post, though!


leucocrystal July 15 2011, 00:07:34 UTC
Warning: I flail a lot about this show. I've been championing it since day one, so... I tend to get that way, lol.


spectralbovine July 15 2011, 00:17:54 UTC
It's a flail-worthy show! I want to read more flailing! I was reading the Onion A.V. Club reviews as I was catching up, and they were great.


toastandtea July 16 2011, 05:50:09 UTC
I was thinking of titling this post "HEY ZELLIE HEY HEY HEY" and just addressing it specifically to you. YOU GOOF

I feel like the only thing that can possibly save him from being completely dragged down by Walt into this black hole of terrible, is that slight bit of distance that's left between them.

TRUE. I don't know, it's weird because tv has taught me that since Walt and Jesse are the two main characters, the show should be about their ~unlikely friendship~ and ~growing bond~, but while in some ways that is a good thing for them to have, in other ways it is TOTAL POISON. e.g. Jesse's hospital monologue that Walt has turned everything in his life to shit. :(

But when what happens later? OH SHIT, someone finds it. OH CRAP, Hank finds out where it came from. OH JESUS, stuff is missing from the school lab! And on and on from there.

YEEEEESSSSSSSSSS. That level of continuity is practically unheard of, and it gives it all so much realism because it is SO MESSY. There are so many tiny, tiny ways for everything to go horribly wrong! And the character development is similar -- there's no reset button AT ALL, and people change and STAY changed, everything builds on everything else.

I'M SORRY YOU DON'T HAVE PEOPLE TO TALK TO ABOUT THIS SHOW, i thought it had gotten pretty popular! I feel like i've seen a fair amount of it on tumblr, although i can see how it's not necessarily a fangirly type of show.


leucocrystal July 16 2011, 06:10:49 UTC
I was thinking of titling this post "HEY ZELLIE HEY HEY HEY" and just addressing it specifically to you. YOU GOOF
I love you so much, dude. (OMG SUNDAY. HOLD ME.)

Yeah, that's just another one of the ways this show sort of stands in defiance of what we're accustomed to seeing on TV. But I feel so strongly now, especially after a rewatch, that Jesse just HAS to escape the absolute worst of what's sure to come upon them somehow, and the only way he can do that is to not get too much closer to Walt than he already is (which is of course dangerously close, hence the absolute mess of shit that is his life most of the time).

I honestly believe (and I wish I'd thought to just ask him when I met him, but I got all flustered, lol) that Vince Gilligan learned a continuity lesson from his years on The X-Files like you'd get nowhere else, and that it mostly comes from his being a fan of XF before they hired him on to write for it. He was The Continuity Guy on that show too, but it wasn't HIS show, so he didn't get to really run with it. Now it's like he took everything he learned not to do from XF and turned it around into this, and it kills me with awesome.

Thank goodness for the bit of posting I see on Tumblr, at least! But in terms of actually blogging about it on LJ, it's like... *tumbleweeds* WHY.


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