gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat

Nov 15, 2010 23:23

Oh boy. Every time i skip Tumblr for a handful of days i feel like the entire universe has passed me by and it's impossible to catch up. WHOOPS. Anyway i got sick just in time for the weekend and have been useless and out of it and just today i was reminded that the new Harry Potter movie is THIS FRIDAY. You would think, between Tumblr pretty consistently posting HP things lately and the fact that i absolutely know the release date, i would have remembered that. But no. I did not remember that. Probably because a) i have only a vague idea of what month it currently is, and b) i haven't truly loved a Potter movie since PoA so i don't anticipate them as much as i should, even though they still always get me pretty riled up about Potter shenanigans. GUESS WHAT I'M MOST EXCITED ABOUT FOR DH THOUGH. GUESS. I'LL GIVE YOU A HINT: EVIL HOLOGRAM KISSING. Ohhhh myyyy gooooossshhhhhh DH has a lot of my favorite things. And i can only assume that this first movie is going to be incessantly bleak and depressing and horrible because that is what the entire first half of DH is like.

Anyway! Harry Potter! This is probably the week for me to start thinking about that again!

I am hopped up on Robitussin right now and fuck those guys, "non-drowsy" is NOT A REAL THING.

I have thoughts on tv and i tend to type those up after i watch an episode and then not post them, so here are those which i typed... before. Before now.


I LOVED the conversation between Peter and Altlivia at the excavation site. Altlivia speaking as the sole defender of her entire universe, and then the justification for her actions -- ARE THERE DOUBTS CREEPING IN? Before that she told Marshall Flinkman to stop with the signal transmissions so more innocent people wouldn't have to die. More innocent people... in the world you're trying to destroy? ALTLIVIA YOUR CONSCIENCE IS SHOWING :D And then there is Peter needing to believe there's a way for both worlds to coexist, since he is the one person who can largely claim both worlds as his home.

As a side note, i don't like the vocal fandom hatred of Altlivia. Her generically evil shifty-eyed seductress role is lame, but it isn't her entire character. PLUS i think it's beneficial to note that a lot of what we've seen of memory-implanted Olivia Prime this season has been a good indication of what Altlivia is like in her own world, i.e. a neat sassy lady! Both Olivias are lone champions of their universe! I WANT THEM TO BE FRIENDS. Or, at the very least, fight each other awesomely some more.

While the preview for the next episode has got me SUPER DUPER EXCITED for Olivia to get home, i'm also somewhat hesitant just because i wanted both Olivias to get to know their alternate universes really really well before confrontations/throwdowns/journeys home occurred, so they would have full understanding of/sympathy for their opponent. It just seems very soon for shit to start getting real!

Nina and Walter smokin' weed. :D

I am not normally one to complain about Fringe's goofy science logic, but i do have one complaint about the plot this week: if the numbers for all the coordinates were supposedly millions of years old (which in itself is... what), how in the hell does that account for continental drift? None of that shit would be in the same place! DUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMB

Anyway, numbers stations! OH YOU MEAN LIKE ON LOST? :D ... :(


[note: this is in reference to last week's episode "Natural History"]

THIS EPISODE WAS AMAZING. I didn't hate last season as vehemently as a lot of people did, but even so this season already seems like a vast improvement, and this episode in particular was the best the show has been in a long time. Ted whispering "wieners and gonads." interrupting Marshall and Lily was THE BEST. Lily talking to college Marshall, and the extinct versions of him in the museum was such an eloquent depiction of growing older and reconciling who you were with who you become (as was every other character plot of the episode).

As much as i also enjoyed Robin and Barney's oneupsmanship (..........that's a word right?) I HAVE A CONFESSION TO MAKE: i no longer ship Robin/Barney. :/ I'm not sure if i've ever brought that up before, but it goes like this: i shipped them when they were only a twinkle in fandom's eye, and when they kissed and before they got together, and then i stopped caring and never cared again. Much like Jeff/Annie on Community, the fanon-becoming-reality was amazing to me for like two seconds but fandom loved it too loudly and i got turned off and that was the end of that. WHICH IS DUMB, because i loved them on their own merits in the first place! But somehow they just stopped pinging my ship radar in the right way. :( It may have to do with me kind of burning out on Barney though, because as with all amazingly wacky side characters the novelty wears off and the show overdoes it and then you're screwed.

And finally, no way is Jennifer Morrison Mother. She would have to have been Rachel Bilson's roommate and that's impossible!


I REALLY LIKE MARTHA A LOT. Amber Tamblyn is delightful. And i hate the speculation that they'll kick her off as soon as Olivia Wilde comes back because, what, they can't have more than one girl on the team? I WOULD LOVE IT IF THERE WERE MORE THAN ONE GIRL ON THE TEAM.

Also: a med student named Martha! If she leaves the show it will be on the TARDIS.

Other shows i would comment on were it not for my utter laziness include: Boardwalk Empire, The Walking Dead, last week's Community (which was awesome, unlike all but one other episode this season), and Survivor. OH WELL. I still watch tv! The end.

harry potter, house, fringe, himym

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