hide your kids, hide your wife

Sep 13, 2010 01:16

True Blood

SO ANTI-CLIMACTIC. True Blood finales are always lame, but they are at least half action, half set-up for next season. This was just kind of... there. There was some pretty bonkers shit with Russell this season, yet it basically culminated in "we'll set him aside for now, but he could totally come back at some indeterminate point in the future! totally!" He's been a fun villain to have around, so on the one hand i'm glad he's not DEAD dead, but on the other hand it left us with no real exciting climax. Whereas Maryann in season 2 was a lame villain, but on the whole she was in a super entertaining season.

I spent the entire end of the episode ABSOLUTELY DREADING Hoyt's death, because i was sure as shit that was coming. When you have a scene of Hoyt and Jessica being SO HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY and talking about NEVER BEING APART, and then you have a scene of Hoyt's mama with a sniper rifle... it is just kind of where you would expect things to go. I've had worries in this direction for a while, because i don't expect them to kill off Jessica, so the only other option for maximum soul-killing would be to murder Hoyt, and IT WOULD BE AWFUL AND THIS IS WHY I KIND OF HATE SHOWS WHERE CHARACTERS DIE. STRESS. Anyway. Yeah. I spent every scene until the credits having flashbacks to every Jessica/Hoyt scene and thinking to myself "well, we had a good run." and crying on the inside. And then... nothing?! So, hooray, Hoyt and Jessica live to see another season, but boo, their scene in the last episode was the most epic thing we get between them for a million more years. :/

I enjoyed Sookie taking some initiative for once, and finally finally FINALLY learning the truth about Bill and dumping him. I would hope that Sophie-Anne defeats Bill in their apparent flying deathmatch (even though obviously Bill will never die or even go away and will simply mope around Bon Temps for all eternity, making FOREVER ALONE faces at everyone, always), but the ONE THING that i would want to keep him around for is that i kind of like his relationship with Jessica. Obviously on Jessica's behalf more than Bill's, but still. It is the only time i find Bill tolerable. If only Jessica had a cooler maker! Like PAM!

Tara's serene demeanor and obvious goodbyes to everyone had me worried she was going to really off herself this time (and obviously the scene with the scissors was meant to play on that), but she just... left town? Which is good for her, but does that also mean she's leaving the SHOW? Hm. It was so nice to see her and Sam happy together.

NEXT SEASON: MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mad Men

THE DON DRAPER SELF-IMPROVEMENT HOUR, YAY. Soooo happpyyyyy last week really was a turning point and not just a positive glimmer before more downward spiraling. I could have done without the narration, but as worried as i was about its awkwardness, it almost seems like it was supposed to be awkward. Don was, after all, making a concerted effort to change his bad habits, which is certainly not something he's accustomed to. Also, it reminds me of his poetry recitation in the season 2 premiere (still so good), and while this certainly wasn't done as artfully, it seems to have the sentiment in the same place.

OH GOD, JOAN AND JOEY AND PEGGY. I'm sad Joey turned out to be such a dick, because i loved him at first and i loved him with Peggy. But his confrontation with Joan was awful awful awful AWFUL, and it was incredibly satisfying to see him fired (YESSSS PEGGYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, FIRING DUDES, YESSSSSS). The scene between Peggy and Joan in the elevator made me sad for so many reasons. I always want Peggy and Joan to be BFFs despite their differences, because it's PEGGY and JOAN, so it depresses me to see Joan still so hard on Peggy, even though her reasoning is sound. Joan sees the reality of the situation much clearer than Peggy, and in that way, Peggy is still the more naive of the two in the same way she was when she started as a secretary. The "humorless bitch" observation was especially painful because it's a no-win situation that always, always exists.

Ladies. ;_____;

BETTYYYYYYYY. I love her getting drunk and belligerent! And finally being civil with Don! And shootin' the shit with Francine!

true blood, mad men

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