second post, same as the first

Aug 23, 2010 03:15

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Oh man, the fights were awesome. The only one i didn't like was Matthew Patel, the singing was lame. But Ramona vs. Roxy was THE BEST, holy shit. (of course i also couldn't help but think of the hilarity of Michael Cera and Mae Whitman together again. "Her?") The final battle was also extremely rad -- the flaming swords were badass, and Scott having to re-do the beginning of the level after he used the 1-Up was PERFECT. I actually liked that whole ending more than the comic because Knives got to kick so much ass. Speaking of which...

KNIVES CHAU, SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD! She. was. the greatest. I kept waiting for her big fight with Ramona, and then it actually happened in the climactic scene for maximum awesomeness! KNIVES! asjdfhksajj

I knew the ending would be different than the books in some capacity, but i was a little weirded out that it looked so much like it was going in a Scott/Knives direction (as apparently the original film script had it written!) because Knives moving on is the only way it seems right to have it end. I wouldn't have it any other way than "I'm too cool for you, Scott."

Ramona, on the other hand, was way too bogged down by being elusive and sad and not really having much to do. Even though her whole thing in the books is that she's mysterious, i still got some sense of her as a person, whereas in the movie i... didn't so much. I dunno. Ramona is just problematic. Or rather, Scott's/the narrative's relationship with Ramona is problematic. Or rather, the narrative's relationship with girls is problematic. Although honestly, even though i have issues with Scott Pilgrim: ladykiller, i appreciate that he grows up (somewhat), that other characters really do hate him for his self-centeredness and general ridiculousness, and that overall the books absolutely feel like an accurate portrayal of a group of twentysomething friends.

NOT ENOUGH KIM PINE. But she was fucking great, obviously. Kim and Ramona's friendship is one thing from the books that makes Ramona a little more relatable, so i was sad that got left out. Sigh. Kim Pine.


The music was fucking awesome too. BECK!! I would legitimately listen to Sex Bob-omb! Who knew! AND AND AND the Zelda music during the one dream sequence made me so happy.

A+ hilarity: SEINFELD; the Vegan Police!; Scott's hat every time someone mentioned his hair; "Bread makes you FAT??"; NEGA SCOTT!!!!

So yeah, entertaining, super pretty, kickass, generally excellent casting (even though Michael Cera is not who i would have chosen to play Scott at all, and he emphasizes Scott's patheticness way too much, he is good at being funny so i'll give it a pass), Edgar Wright rules. I didn't really connect with it on any deep level, but it was a lot of fun. Which is how i felt about the comic, too, so it all works out.

True Blood

JESSICA! AND! HOYT! THEY LOVE EACH OTHERRRRRRRRRRRRRR. The whole time Hoyt was saying there's no reason for them to be apart, i was practically screaming at the tv "THAT'S WHAT I SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Oh man oh man oh man and then i was so sad that Jessica shot him down again, and then WTF TOMMY NOOOOOOOOOO, and then YES JESSICA SUPERPOWERED VAMPIRE PROTECTION YES, and then OH SHIT BLOOD-DRINKING OH SHIT. Boy there is a lot of magical vampire blood healing going on these days. But it makes me really scared for Jessica and Hoyt (V is a gateway drug you guys!), plus this Tommy business... i mean i always knew their perfect adorable joyful happy puppy love festival couldn't go on forever, and even last season things kept getting worse for them, but still, i worry about how dark the show is willing to make them. ALTHOUGH REALLY I'M JUST EXCITED THEY'RE GETTING SCREENTIME AGAIN.

Terry has got to be the best person in Bon Temps. HE IS SO WONDERFUL. I understand why Arlene wants to get rid of the baby, even with Terry's amazing support, but... how she still decided she wants an abortion AFTER he was so supportive, i don't know. I suppose she'd already made up her mind at that point.

You know, i was wondering when the hell Eric and Sookie would ACTUALLY make out, because at this point they've had like fifty billion dream sequence makeouts and that shit is frustrating (before the season started and everyone was so excited about Eric and Sookie kissing and having sexy times in the promo, all i could react with was "seriously? why are you excited, that's obviously going to be a dream.") So i was surprised that, despite all the crying wolf, it still managed to be exciting that they finally kissed in real life. Although Eric is really not good at getting Sookie to like him; that dude does something nice and then the next minute makes her hate him all over again. BUT as Sookie's track record with Bill has demonstrated... she's pretty okay with that. >__<

"I'm a FAIRY??" That was an excellent cold open and a hilariously blunt way to resolve that mystery (up there with Sookie's "get the FUCK out!" when she found out Sam was a shifter! basically Sookie saying "fuck" when she discovers new information is always pretty great?). And now i'm extremely glad we no longer have to endure the incessant "What ARE you?"/"What am i?"/"WHAT IS SOOKIE" nonsense. HOORAY!

I worry about Tara's mental health. Just when you think she can't be any more traumatized... HERE'S SOME MORE TRAUMA, TARA! Fuck. Boy remember when i kind of shipped Tara and Jason just because Tara was in love with his dumb ass? And now they're both crazy!

Lafayette and Jesus' V trip was supremely ugly. :/ That combined with Sookie and Bill's hokey excursions into fairyland and i wonder... can't you guys take some style tips from your amazing title sequence or something? BE PRETTIER. And it's especially disappointing because i remember Jason's V trips with Lizzie Caplan being really nice-looking. So i dunno. Ugh.

Mad Men



I feel so, so bad for her, but i love seeing her development so, so much. I don't know, suddenly i'm wondering: how often has a young girl's growth been featured on dramatic television? Including a lifelike portrayal of adolescent sexuality?! Does that EVER happen???? Obviously it's not an easy thing to portray, but that sleepover scene was amazing.

On an entirely different note, i freaking love her new short hair. Kiernan Shipka is ridiculously pretty. (so yeah, totally believable as the offspring of Jon Hamm and January Jones, i'd say!)

Everything with Roger and the Honda men was incredibly painful -- i was grimacing the ENTIRE TIME -- but also super depressing, particularly in the tension between Roger and Pete, and the final scene with Joan. I suppose it was all intensified because we never see Roger lose it like that. Rough stuff.

Peggy driving the motorcycle around the empty studio was hilarious. I LOVE when they get up to wacky spy hijinks; they're so good at it!

I loved Betty with the psychologist, and that she seemed to get more out of a few minutes of talking to a child psychologist (female) than she ever did from months of talking to an adult psychologist (male). Betty's smile while looking at the dollhouse was a great moment.

Don's new secretary is goddamn hilarious. Somebody give that woman a raise!

movies, true blood, mad men

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