howdy howdy howdy

Jun 20, 2010 03:54

UGGGGGGGGH I CRIED SO MUCH. I HATE CRYING AT MOVIES. IT IS EMBARRASSING. It's pretty bad that i was choking back tears in the BEGINNING, when Woody was talking about the toys they've lost over the years (BO PEEP WTF, SHE AND WOODY WERE PRACTICALLY TOY MARRIED!!!!!) and really just... every time Andy was there: guaranteed heartbreak. THE ENDING, MY GOD, THE ENDING. Andy playing with them all one last time (and demonstrating how much he still loved them), oh jesus, the waterworks are starting up just thinking about it. His possessiveness when Bonnie first grabbed Woody! HIS REACTION TO BONNIE WAVING WOODY'S HAND GOODBYE. ;_________; I was so happy they all got to stay together with Bonnie though, as soon as she was introduced i wanted them to go with her, SHE WAS GREAT. I could also see them staying in the attic (depressing!) and then eventually getting passed on to Andy's kids, but i think that was the obvious ending that everyone predicted so i'm kind of glad it didn't happen that way. The way this treated growing up and leaving childhood behind was a lot more poignant.

HOLY SHIT THE TRASH INCINERATOR: ABSOLUTELY HORRIFYINGLY TRAUMATIC. I honestly thought they were going to die, i was literally sitting there thinking "WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF KID'S MOVIE IS THIS PIXAR, WHAT THE FUCK" And it was so SCARY-LOOKING, like really genuinely terrifying with no escape, and they were all accepting their fate and OH GOD. HORRIFYING. I actually thought they'd all be melted down and the movie would end with them reincarnated as new toys. IDK, IT WAS CRAZY.

Also horrifying but in a hilarious way: the first wave of toddler destruction in the Caterpillar Room, and the surveillance monkey, OH MY GOD the surveillance monkey.

Everything about the opening scene was so friggin awesome, and the first shot of Woody with his hat covering his eyes was kind of ridiculously badass. LOL IDK, WOODY. I LOVE WOODY. The scene in the bathroom when he was escaping Sunnyside was so great with all his crazy slapsticky acrobatics, and the square of toilet paper he put on the toilet seat. I LAUGHED SO HARD.

BARBIE!!! Her little "consent of the governed" speech was amazing. And KEEEEEEN. He just loves fashion, you guys. EVERY ONE OF THE NEW TOYS WAS EXCELLENT. But i especially adored Trixie, the dinosaur voiced by Kristen Schaal(!!!). Playing video games with Rex at the end!!! :D :D :D

BUZZ/JESSIE. Every mind-wiped incarnation of Buzz loves Jessie. AW MAN. I kept hoping for a kiss, but all we got was Jessie kissing him on the cheek, dang. I may, um, kind of have some Buzz/Jessie/Woody feelings.................... BUT YOU DIDN'T HEAR IT FROM ME OKAY, NOPE, I CERTAINLY DON'T WEIRDLY SHIP A TRIO OF ANIMATED SENTIENT TOYS, NOOOOOPE. um.

And of course let's not forget how gorgeous and detailed and amazingly animated it all was! But with Pixar that's a given. It's crazy to look at the evolution from the first movie through this one. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO it was literally the first of its kind, and i remember how astonished i was at the level of detail and technical achievement. I was eleven years old! That's insane. I still wish Pizza Planet were real. STILL. (there is a Pizza Planet at Disney World, but it's not actually designed like Pizza Planet, which is disappointing TO SAY THE LEAST.)

The thing that gets me is that this perfectly completed a trilogy of Toy Story movies that wasn't originally meant to be a trilogy. Every one of the movies stands on its own because they made one movie which ends as a complete story, and then they just happened to make a second one which ends the first two movies as a complete story, and then they just happened to make a third one which ends the trilogy as a complete story. It would have felt like a natural ending no matter where they stopped, whereas a lot of sequels these days tend to feel like they depend on their subsequent movies for completion, or they're always left open-ended for continuation... or they just plain start sucking. So many things are made with sequels already in mind that they forget to just focus on creating a single solid film. I don't know, maybe that's a silly thing to complain about because i do love a lot of movie series and sequels and i love long-form storytelling that comes from interdependent installments, but movies can't necessarily serialize the same way tv shows can. I just think it's interesting how Toy Story managed to become a series in a way that didn't feel forced or redundant at all, and ended up with three movies that are equally strong. And maybe that also expresses how i feel about all of Pixar, that they really concentrate on making excellent individual movies rather than something that's just part of a larger franchise (despite being part of the Disney machine). ANYWAY BLAH BLAH BLAH, TOY STORY IS GREAT, IS WHAT I'M GETTING AT.

Doctor Who




RORYYYYYYYYYY. I was so excited to see him again! SO EXCITED. His death was so awful and abrupt and i hated it and on top of that he was erased from existence and agh. AGH. RORY. And now look, hooray, it's Rory! OH WAIT HE'S NOT REAL. >:( But the scene with Amy remembering was SO SAD AND GREAT. DANG IT. (i am still holding out hope he could come back for real?? maybeeeeeeee. his death by crack in the universe remains highly suspect! or perhaps we could keep this Rory and pretend he's not a robot with guns for hands! but hey, the universe just exploded, LITERALLY ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN.)

EVERYTHING ABOUT THE DOCTOR'S REACTION TO RORY BEING THERE. The ridiculous delay in noticing him at all even while saying his name! AND THEN POKING HIM.


I kept thinking somehow it would be the Doctor inside the Pandorica, so, er... i was almost right?

WTF events conjured from Amy's memories, WTF all villains working together, WTF Amy getting shot, WTF TARDIS exploding, WTF everything ever. THAT WAS ALL TERRIBLY UPSETTING AND ANXIETY-INDUCING.

I am still a bit awestruck that this season made me like River. I really like her! Especially as a wily prisoner and time-traveling message-leaver and disguised con artist (SHE'S WHERE IN TIME IS CARMEN SANDIEGO?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), and especially in her exchange with Amy about the River from The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone being a future River. I love seeing her out of chronological order-- the way other people would see the Doctor.

And speaking of seeing people out of chronological order, hey remember when future Amy and Rory were waving at present Amy and Rory in The Hungry Earth? I still feel like there should be more to that than just Amy seeing herself waving alone after Rory died. I know being erased from existence meant he got erased from the future too, but how would he have even been in that future in the first place if he DIED at that present moment in time?! CONFUSING.

AAAHHHHH i love Who season finale time! EVERYTHING GETS SO CRAZY. But it's hard to believe the season is already over, it seriously feels like it just started. Which is especially odd considering i usually marathon a season in about a week, so actually this season has lasted longer for me than they normally do?! PERHAPS I HAVE ENTERED A CRACK IN THE UNIVERSE

movies, doctor who

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