But this is the last time that i suck beer out of dirt with you.

Oct 18, 2008 02:51

True Blood

I feel kind of ashamed to admit that this show is growing on me. :/ Sookie and Bill are so ~*~heaving bosoms romance novel~*~ and yet i still kinda fall for it. Bill's a dorky-haired hottie! ANNA PAQUIN'S BOOBIES, YAY. :D

I want Tara and Lafayette to be my best friends. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Sam has too many questionably creepy moments, he unsettles me because i can never tell if he's sincere or if it's just an act. I thought he was kind of adorable at first, and then possessive dog-man got WEIRDNESS all over the place. Sadly i kind of ship Tara and Jason despite Jason's utter dumbness, as Tara's complete awareness of his dumbness and having feelings for him anyway makes it acceptable. And when he got all moon-eyed over her when he was high! Aw.


I like Sugar! She's really super cute and i enjoy that she's the Exile repeat customer but found the idol on her first visit. Of course, i don't see her lasting very long, especially since everyone now knows she has the idol and she seems intent on sharing it with Ace. I hate that Ace is her closest ally, he sucks balls. He is hilariously douchey though, and his fake accent astounds me. Half the time he isn't even TRYING to put it on.

I love Marcus and Charlie, they are so photogenically gay and adorable, made even more endearing because Marcus is straight. He completely encourages Charlie's huge crush on him, IT IS GREAT. (i think i just made a poem!) I feel like the internet probably loves them, if the internet even watches Survivor anymore. Also Charlie reminds me of a slightly cuter version of Todd, they look (and sometimes act) eerily similar.

Why is there so often one team that wins everything and one team that fails at everything! Even after they mix up the tribe members! HEY LOSERS WHY DO YOU LOSE SO MUCH.

Grey's Anatomy

ERICA AND CALLIE, CALLIE AND ERICA, THEY MAKE ME HAPPY. "Below the Mason-Dixon line... of the pants." I love how delightfully over-talkative and weird Callie is about everything. She's so awesome. And Bailey! Giving advice! Even though she never gives sex advice! BAILEY!

Alex saying hello to Izzie after the bad luck guy in the previous episode made me go :*( I am still so awestruck that they brought back Alex/Izzie!

George with the kid who was afraid of surgery reminded me of why i used to love George.

Cristina and the dermatology freakshow was hilarious. I dunno man, i've found the show pretty dumb and obnoxious for the past couple seasons and i'm never really excited to watch it, but it is still at least occasionally entertaining.

peopleareshapes tagged me for this bad boy.

01. How has LJ changed your life?
I can't watch any tv or movies without thinking "THAT WOULD MAKE A GREAT ICON" at any remotely pretty frame. It's kind of annoying. And following from that, the fact that icons have ruined me for real fanart. I used to make things larger than 100x100, but that takes too long and is difficult and source pictures tend to not be high enough quality! UGH. LJ ICONS. SO LAME.

02. What do you do before bedtime?
Waste time on the internet and/or in photoshop until it's finally way too late at night and i have to force myself to go to bed knowing that i will wake up grumpy and exhausted. YAY.

03. What would be your last dinner?
Probably pizza. It is my lifelong favorite meal.

04. What is the ONE place you want to go before you die if you had the money and the time?
LOL ONE PLACE. Norway, Alaska, Canada, Italy, Australia, EVERYWHERE. I am lucky enough to have already been to a lot of awesome places, i really really want to go back to Europe.

05. What scares you?
The thought of not existing someday. So, death. Bad things happening to people i love. Growing old and not doing anything with my life. .......HAPPY THOUGHTS!!!!!!

06. What do you do in your free time?
Play video games, read, nap. Holy shit, i know, right!

07. If you could speak another language (meaning one you currently don't know), what would it be?
French, because it's pretty.

08. What personal belonging do you have with you everywhere you go?
Chapstick. Literally, EVERYWHERE I GO. If my lips start to get even a little bit dry i FREAK OUT. I wish i could break the habit, it's bothersome.

09. What was your favorite song or musical group when you were young?
The first favorite song i really remember having is "Kokomo" by the Beach Boys. I loooooved the Beach Boys. And when i first started notably getting into music as a pre-teen, the first CDs i ever got were Ace of Base's "The Sign" (HELL YESSSSSSS, i was so fucking excited to own that) and Jimmy Buffett's "Fruitcakes". My best friends and i were way into Jimmy Buffett in fifth grade. Who the fuck knows. We loved margaritas and cheeseburgers i guess.

10. Are you a risk taker?
I have never even played the board game Risk.

11. How do you want to be remembered?
As an artist.

12. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
I just froze in terror.

13. If you could spend one day with any celebrity, who would it be?
I'm not that interested in celebrities as they are in real life, but Tina Fey or Conan O'Brien would probably be pretty fucking awesome.

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
A pretty fucking awesome one! :D Jenn is funnier and cooler than me.

15. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
Single and poor! OH WAIT.

16. How many children do you want to have, if any?
Ideally, one or two. But the thing about kids is, i don't see myself ever being mature enough to raise one. I am selfish and solitary and am barely capable of taking care of myself, let alone another human being, and also i pretty much still have the mindset of a high-schooler. Even so, i love kids (in manageable numbers) and i've kind of always envisioned myself having one someday, it's just that "someday" isn't anytime in the foreseeable future.

17. What's better - to give or to receive?
I prefer minimizing the amount of shit i own, and making other people happy is fun! BUT I STILL LOVE GETTING STUFF.

18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
...I don't understand what this means. Out of ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD, which two would i choose to fall in love with at the same time?? Or which person would i ultimately pick to be with out of the two i fall in love with at the same time? I do not even have one person to fall in love with. My answer is fuck you.

19. Would you have 100% safe sex with a stranger for $10,000,000?

20. What are you looking forward to most in the next six months?
Quantum of Solace, the Christmas season, the return of Lost!, WATCHMEN, probably going back up to New York in March... going to Japan in April. :O

Mad Men




true blood, icons, survivor, mad men, memememe, grey's anatomy

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